This parameter allows you to activate the screed heating function (see paragraph "4.12 Screed
heating function" for more details). The factory setting is 0, with the boiler set to OFF, set to 1
to activate the screed heating function on the low temperature heating zones.
The parameter automatically returns to 0 once the screed heating function is finished, it is pos-
sible to interrupt it earlier by setting the value to 0.
This parameter allows you to change the FORCED HEATING TIMING OFF, regarding the de-
lay time introduced for re-igniting the burner in the face of an off due to the heating temperature
being reached. The factory setting for this parameter is 3 minutes and can be set to a value
between 0 min and 20 min.
This parameter allows you to cancel the ANTI CYCLE and REDUCED HEATING MAXIMUM
OUTPUT TIMING, lasting 15 min during which the speed of the fan is limited to 75% of the
maximum heating output that has been set.
The factory setting for this parameter is 0, set 1 to reset the timings.
This parameter allows you to configure the system to manage a mixing valve and an additional
pump on the main heating system (the use of the BE16 accessory board is required, not
supplied as standard).
The factory setting for this parameter is 0, set to 1 for the connection of a BE16 board.
Note: this parameter cannot be changed when an OTBus chronothermostat is connected.
When P4.12 = 1, this parameter allows you to set the address of the BE16 board.
The factory setting for this parameter is 3 and can be set within the 1 - 6 range.
Note: see the instruction sheet of the BE16 accessory board for more information about the
use of this parameter.
When P4.12 = 1, this parameter allows you to set the hydraulic configuration of the main
heating zone. The factory setting for this parameter is 0 and allows a direct zone to be
managed, set the parameter to 1 for the management of a mixed zone.
Note: see the instruction sheet of the BE16 accessory board for more information about the
use of this parameter.
This parameter allows you to specify the type of zone to be heated, it is possible to choose
from the following options:
0 = HIGH TEMPERATURE (factory setting)
This parameter allows you to specify the maximum heating setpoint that can be set:
- range 20°C - 80.5°C, default 80.5°C for high temperature systems
- range 20°C - 45°C, default 45°C for low temperature systems.
Note: the P4.16 value cannot be less than P4.17.
This parameter allows you to specify the minimum heating setpoint that can be set:
- range 20°C - 80.5°C, default 20°C for high temperature systems
- range 20°C - 45°C, default 20°C for low temperature systems.
Note: the P4.17 value cannot be greater than P4.16.
This parameter allows you to activate the thermoregulation when the system has an outdoor
temperature probe connected. The factory setting is 0, the boiler always operates at a fixed
point. With the parameter on 1 and an outdoor temperature probe connected, the boiler oper-
ates in thermoregulation. With an outdoor temperature probe disconnected the boiler always
operates at a fixed point. See paragraph "4.4 Setting the thermoregulation" for more details
about this function.
This parameter allows you to set the number of the compensation curve used by the boiler
when in thermoregulation. The factory setting for this parameter is 2.0 for high temperature
systems and 0.5 for low temperature ones.
The parameter can be set with the range 1.0 - 3.0 for high temperature systems, 0.2 - 0.8 for
low temperature ones.
See paragraph "4.4 Setting the thermoregulation" for more details about this function.
With this parameter you activate the "night compensation" function. The default value is 0, set
to 1 to activate the function. See paragraph "4.4 Setting the thermoregulation" for more details
about this function.
The factory setting for this parameter is 0. Do not change.
Do not change this parameter.
This parameter allows you to activate the management of an additional heating zone (the use
of the BE16 accessory board is required, not supplied as standard).
The default value is 0, set to 1 to activate the function.
Note: this parameter cannot be changed when an OTBus chronothermostat is connected.
When P4.23 = 1, this parameter allows you to set the address of the BE16 board of zone 1.
The factory setting is 1 and can be set within the 1 - 6 range.
Note: see the instruction sheet of the BE16 accessory board for more information about the
use of this parameter.
When P4.12 = 1, this parameter allows you to set the hydraulic configuration of heating zone 1.
The factory setting for this parameter is 0 and allows you to manage a direct zone, set to 1 to
manage a mixed zone.
Note: see the instruction sheet of the BE16 accessory board for more information about the
use of this parameter.
When P4.12 = 1 this parameter allows you to specify the type of zone to be heated, .
It is possible to choose from the following options:
0 = HIGH TEMPERATURE (factory setting)
When P4.12 = 1, this parameter allows you to the setpoint value of heating zone 1. The factory
setting for this parameter is P4.28 and can be programmed within the P4.29 and P4.28 range.
This parameter allows you to specify the maximum heating setpoint that can be set for zone 1:
- range 20°C - 80.5°C, default 80.5°C for high temperature systems
- range 20°C - 45°C, default 45°C for low temperature systems.
Note: the P4.28 value cannot be less than P4.29.
This parameter allows you to specify the minimum heating setpoint that can be set for zone 1:
- range 20°C - 80.5°C, default 40°C for high temperature systems
- range 20°C - 45°C, default 20°C for low temperature systems
Note: the P4.29 value cannot be greater than P4.28.
This parameter allows you to activate thermoregulation mode for zone 1 when the system
has an outdoor temperature sensor connected. The factory setting is 0, the boiler always
operates for zone 1 at a fixed point; to have the boiler work in climate mode connect an outdoor
temperature sensor and set the parameter to 1, connect an outdoor temperature sensor. With
an outdoor temperature probe disconnected the boiler always operates at a fixed point.
See paragraph "4.4 Setting the thermoregulation" for more details about this function.
This parameter allows you to set the number of the compensation curve for zone 1 used by the
boiler when in climatic mode. The factory setting for this parameter is 2.0 for high temperature
systems and 0.5 for low temperature ones. The parameter can be set with the range 1.0 - 3.0
for high temperature systems, 0.2 - 0.8 for low temperature ones.
See paragraph "4.4 Setting the thermoregulation" for more details about this function.
This parameter allows you to activate "night compensation" for zone 1.
The default value is 0, set to 1 to activate the function.
See paragraph "4.4 Setting the thermoregulation" for more details about this function.
P5 (DHW menu)
This parameter allows you to activate the "antilegionella" function when the boiler is connected
to a water tank with a probe (Case C).
The factory setting of this parameter is 0 (function disabled).
Set the value to 1 to activate the weekly antilegionella function, the is carried out the third day
of the week at 03:00 am.
Set the value to 2 to activate the daily antilegionella function, the is carried out every day of
the week at 03:00 am.
See paragraph "4.14 Anti-legionella function (only if connected to a water tank with probe)" for
more information about this function.
This parameter allows you to set the time the "antilegionella" function is carried out when the
boiler is connected to a water tank with a probe (Case C).
The factory setting for this parameter is 03:00 am.
This parameter allows you to set the delivery value to the water tank when an antilegionella
function is in progress.
The factory setting for this parameter is 80°C and it can be set in the 65°C - 85°C range.
This parameter allows you to change the delivery temperature to the water tank for a domestic
hot water request.
The factory setting for this parameter is 80°C and it can be set in the 50°C - 85°C range.
This parameter allows you to activate the SLIDING OUTLET function to modify the delivery
setpoint used by the boiler, when there is a domestic hot water request (only when a water
tank with a probe is connected, Case C). The factory setting for this parameter is 0 (function
deactivated), set the parameter to 1 to activate the function.
See paragraph "4.13 Sliding delivery (only if water tank connected)" for more information about
this function.