Once having installed the burner, check the following items:
- The burner power feeding and the main line protection fuses.- The correct length of pipes and that the same are sea-
led.- The type of fuel, which must be suitable for burner.- The connection of boiler's thermostats and all the safeties.-
The motor rotation direction.- The correct calibration of the motor's thermal protection.
When all the above mentioned conditions are checked and accomplished, it is possible to go on with burner's tests.
Power the burner. The control box feeds the ignition transformer and the burner's motor at the same time, which will
run a prepurging of the combustion chamber for about 20 sec.
At the end of prepurging, the control box opens the fuel pump and the 1st stage (Low flame) solenoid valves, the igni-
tion transformer produces a spark and the burner ignites. After a safety interval of 5 seconds and a correct ignition, the
control box turns off the ignition transformer and, 10 seconds later, sets the motorised air damper to its maximum ope-
ning and opens the 2nd stage solenoid valve (Maior 300) and 3rd stage solenoid valve (Maior 400) (High flame). In
case of faulty ignition, the control box switches the burner into safety condition. In such a case, the manual rearming of
the burner shall not take place before 30 seconds have elapsed from the burner's safety shutdown. In order to obtain an
optimal combustion, it is necessary adjust the LOW - HIGH flame air flow, according to the instruction given further
on. During such a phase, it will be possible to manually switch between HIGH ( II ) and LOW ( I ) flame and vicever-
sa, through the High/Low flame switch. At the end of the adjusting phase, leave the switch in position II (HIGH
flame). The fuel pump feeding pressure, must remain around 12 bar.
In case of burner lockout, it is possible to read which cause originated it. Proceed as follows: with the burner in lockout
mode (red LED switched on) keep pressed the lockout button for more than 3 sec. then release it. The red LED will
blink according to the following error code list:
Error Code
2 blinks
3 blinks
4 blinks
5 blinks
6 blinks
7 blinks
8 blinks
9 blinks
10 blinks
Possible cause
No establishment of flame at the end of «TSA»
- Faulty or soiled fuel valves - Faulty or soiled flame detector - Poor adjustment of burner,
no fuel - Faulty ignition
Extraneous light on burner start-up
Too many losses of flame during operation (limitation of the number of repetitions)
- Faulty or soiled fuel valves - Faulty or soiled flame detector - Poor adjustment of burner
Time supervision oil pre-heater
Wiring error or internal error, output contacts
420010329701 Maior P 300.1/400.1 AB