Position : Allongé sur le dos, les bras tendus (mais non bloqués) positionnés sous la mousse de chaque bras de butterfly.
Mouvement : Relever les bras au dessus de la tête en expirant. Revenir en position initiale en retenant la charge.
Muscles : Pectoraux, Deltoïdes antérieurs.
To order spare parts
To guarantee an efficient service, make sure you have the following items before you contact our After Sales Service:
The name or reference of the product.
The manufacturing number shown on the main chassis and on the packing box.
The number of the missing or faulty part shown on the exploded view of the product described in this manual.
Contact us from Monday to Friday between 10h00 and 12h00 and 14h00 and 17h00 (except for public holidays).
Once your training level is determined with your doctor, don't try to reach your maximum during the first
If you are a beginner, start using light weights to get your body used to them. Be patient and your capacities will
increase. Excessive or badly programmed training can damage your health.
A 10 min cardio-vascular warm up phase, more if you are above 50 years old.
STRIALE After Sales Service
18 / 22 rue Bernard – Z.I. les Vignes
93012 BOBIGNY Cedex
Tel.: 0820 821 167 Fax: 00 33 1 48 43 51 03