in the socket and on the spigot for plasticization, jointing by
overlapping insertion, and sufficiently long cooling stage. (The
nominal values to observe for these parameters are defined by
the welding standard used or national or local technical rules.)
Turning the Socket Welder off and Stowing it
When you are done welding, unplug the power cord from the mains
outlet and wait for the socket welder to cool down completely before
unscrewing the heating spigots and sockets from it, securing them
again to each other with the screw, and stowing everything away in
the transport case.
Service and Maintenance
The maintenance of the product is limited to the removal of plastic
residues, if any, after welding. Clean them off by hand or using a blunt
object if they have to be "scratched off." When removing any such
residues, be sure not to damage the coating of the heating sockets
and spigots in any way.
It is generally easier to clean off any residues when the heat-
ing element has not cooled down completely yet. In case of
removal by hand, in that situation it is absolutely indispens-
able to wear protective gloves to avoid any burn wounds.
Service and Repair Contact
HÜRNER Schweisstechnik
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
We reserve the right to change technical specs of the product
without prior notice.
Accessories/Parts for the Product
Tabletop Stand
Transport Case
Heating Spigot and Heating Socket dia. 16 mm
Heating Spigot and Heating Socket dia. 18 mm
Heating Spigot and Heating Socket dia. 20 mm
Heating Spigot and Heating Socket dia. 25 mm
Heating Spigot and Heating Socket dia. 32 mm
Heating Spigot and Heating Socket dia. 40 mm
Heating Spigot and Heating Socket dia. 50 mm
Heating Spigot and Heating Socket dia. 63 mm
Heating Spigot and Heating Socket dia. 75 mm
Heating Spigot and Heating Socket dia. 90 mm
Heating Spigot and Heating Socket dia. 110 mm
Heating Spigot and Heating Socket dia. 125 mm
Tel.: +49 (0)6401 9127 0
Fax: +49 (0)6401 9127 39
200 - 240 - 003
200 - 216 - 007
200 - 230 - 026
200 - 230 - 027
200 - 230 - 028
200 - 230 - 029
200 - 230 - 030
200 - 230 - 031
200 - 230 - 032
200 - 230 - 033
200 - 230 - 034
200 - 230 - 035
200 - 230 - 036
200 - 230 - 037
HÜRNER HMS User's Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
Version June 2017