In addition, the following total injected
energy values (electrical output) are
· daily yield (40 days)
· monthly yield (13 months)
· total yield (since commissioning)
The last 100 errors of the Solar Inverter
are stored with their date, time, and error
Please note that, in the nominal case, all
displayed values have a maximum measu-
ring accuracy of 5 percent. The power
meter of your power supply company is an
absolute reference for the injected energy.
Sunways Monitor 2.0 Software
General Information
The visualisation software Sunways Monitor
2.0 is for monitoring the PV system and
configuring the Sunways Solar Inverter with
a PC. You can install it on your PC from the
enclosed CD ROM.
To download the latest software version
free of charge, please visit
on the Internet. Our system recommenda-
tion is:
· Intel Pentium with at least 500 MHz
· Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition,
Windows 2000, Windows XP
· Microsoft .NET-Framework 1.1
· 200 MB available ROM
· 256 MB RAM
· VGA monitor with at least 1024 x 768
resolution, at least 256 colours
With the Sunways Monitor 2.0 software, all
measured values stored in the Solar Inverter
are retrieved and filed in a data bank. The
software lets you visualise the measured
values in diagrams or in tables.