Š Masonry work
Š The system particulars for the production of domestic hot water not supplied by Dal Zotto S.p.a. (water products only).
Š The heat exchanger is excluded from the warranty unless an adequate anti-condensate circuit is realised, which guarantees
a minimum return temperature of the appliance of at least 55°C (only water products).
FurtHer cLAuSeS:
The warranty also excludes any calibration or regulation interventions of the product in relation to the type of fuel or the type
of installation.
The warranty is not extended if particulars are replaced.
No compensation will be paid for the time the product is inefficient.
This warranty is valid only for the purchaser and cannot be transferred.
recOMMenDeD inSpectiOn (WitH pAyMent):
Dal Zotto S.p.a. recommends that the functional inspection
of the product is performed by a qualified Technical after-Sales Centre, which will supply all information for correct use.
WArrAnty interventiOnS
The request for intervention must be sent to the dealer or after sales assistance Centre.
The warranty intervention envisions the repair of the appliance without any charge, as provided by the law in force.
Dal Zotto S.p.a. does not grant any compensation for direct or indirect damage caused or depending on the product.
LAW cOurt
The Vicenza Law Court is elected as the competent court for any disputes.