Attaching The Battery Cables; Shipping Braceremoval - Craftsman 247.288862 Manual Del Operador

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IM PORTANT: Your t ractor i sshipped w ithmotor o il intheengine. However,
youMUST check t heoillevel b efore o perating. Refer totheService & Maintenance
section f orinstructions onchecking theoillevel.
NOTE: Any referencein this manualto the RIGHTor LEFTside of the
tractoris observedfrom operator'sseat positionfacing forwardtowards
thefront of tractor.
Attaching the Battery Cables
Batteryposts,terminals,and relatedaccessoriescontainlead and
leadcompounds,chemicalsknownto the Stateof Californiato
cause cancerand reproductiveharm.Wash handsafter handling.
Whenattaching battery cables,alwaysconnectthe POSITIVE ([ted)wire to its
terminal first, followed bythe NEGATIVE (Black) w ire.
Forshippingreasons, bothbatterycables on yourequipmenthavebeenleft
disconnected f rom the terminalsat the factory.Toconnect t he batterycables,
proceed asfollows:
NOTE: ThepositivebatteryterminalismarkedPos. ( +).Thenegativebattery
terminalismarkedNeg. ( -).
Remove t he plasticcover, i f present, f rom the positivebatteryterminaland
attachthe redcableto the positivebatteryterminal(+) with the bolt and
hexnut.SeeFigure 1.
Remove t he plasticcover, i f present, f rom the negativebatteryterminaland
attachthe blackcableto the negative batteryterminal(-) with the bolt and
hexnut.SeeFigure 1.
Figure 1
Position the redrubberbootoverthe positive batteryterminalto help
protectit from corrosion.
NOTE: Ifthe batteryisput intoservice after the dateshownon top of battery,
charge the batteryasinstructed in the Service & Maintenance s ectionofthis
manual p riorto operatingthe tractor.
Shipping BraceRemoval
Makesurethe ridingmower'sengine isoff, remove the ignition key,and
set the parkingbrake beforeremoving the shipping brace.Referto the
0perat on sect on for nstruct ons on howto setthe park ng brake.
Locate the shippingbrace, i f present, a ndaccompanying warningtag found
on the rightsideof the mower,betweenthe discharge c hutedeflectorand
the cuttingdeck.See Figure 2.
Place the decklift leverin the highest c utting position.Refer t o Settingthe
CuttingHeightinthe Operation sectionof thismanual.
While pushing t hedischarge chute deflector towards themachine w ithyourleft
hand, r emove t heshipping b race w ithyourrighthand bygrasping i t between y our
thumbandindex finger a ndrotating it clockwise.
Theshipping brace,usedfor packagingpurposesonly, must beremoved and
discardedbefore operatingyour ridingmower.
Themowing deckiscapableof throwing objects. Failureto operate the
[riding mowerwithout the dischargechutedeflector inthe proper operating
[position could resultin seriouspersonalinjuryand/or property damage.
Attaching TheSteering Wheel
Ifthe steeringwheelforyourtractordid notcomeattached, t he hardware for
attachingit hasbeenpacked within the steeringwheel,beneath the steeringwheel
cap.Carefully pryoff the steeringwheelcapandremove the hardware.
With the wheels of the tractorpointingstraightforward,placethe steering
wheeloverthe steeringshaft.
Place the washer (with the cuppedside down)overthe steeringwheeland
secure with the hexbolt. See Figure 3.
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