Limited Warranty
What is covered?
This Warranty covers any defects in materials or workmanship when the product is installed and operated
according to Jacuzzi wri en installa on instruc ons, subject to the terms within this Limited Warranty
document. This Warranty applies only to products that are installed correctly. Improper installa on may void
this Warranty. Jacuzzi strongly suggests that you use a licensed professional who has a ended a product
knowledge class before installing this water heater. This Warranty extends to the original purchaser and
subsequent owners, but only while the product remains at the site of the original installa on. This Warranty
only extends through the first installa on of the product and terminates if the product is moved or reinstalled at
a new loca on.
How long does coverage last?
All Other Parts and Components
Reasonable Labor
* Note: Period of coverage is reduced to 3 years from date of purchase when used as a circula ng water heater within a
hot water circula on loop, where the water heater is in series with a circula on system and all circula ng water
flows through the water heater, and where an on‐demand recircula on system is not incorporated.
On‐demand recircula on is defined as a hot water recircula ng loop or system that u lizes exis ng hot and cold
lines or a dedicated return line, and only ac vates when hot water is used. It can be ac vated by a push bu on,
mo on sensor, or voice ac va on but not by a temperature sensor. A mer added to a standard recircula ng
pump is not considered as on‐demand.
There is no warranty coverage on product installed in a closed loop applica on, commonly associated with space
hea ng only applica ons.
The integrated controller on indoor models has a 1 year warranty on parts.
What will Jacuzzi do?
Jacuzzi will repair or replace the covered product or any part or component that is defec ve in materials or
workmanship as set forth. Jacuzzi will pay reasonable labor charges associated with the repair or replacement of
any such part or component. All repair parts must be genuine Jacuzzi parts. All repairs or replacements must be
performed by an individual or servicing company that is properly trained, state qualified or licensed to do the
type of repair.
Replacement of the product may be authorized by Jacuzzi only. Jacuzzi does not authorize any person or
company to assume for it any obliga on or liability in connec on with the replacement of the product. If Jacuzzi
determines that repair of a product is not possible, Jacuzzi will replace the product with a comparable product at
Jacuzzi's discre on. If a component or product returned to Jacuzzi is found to be free of defects in material or
workmanship, or damaged by improper installa on or damaged during return shipping, the warranty claim for
product, parts and labor may be denied.
Consumer Warranty
Heat Exchanger
Jacuzzi Signature Water Heaters J‐S180/J‐S199
Period of Coverage (from date of purchase)
Residen al Applica ons Commercial Applica ons
12 years *
5 years *
5 years *
5 years *
1 year