Certificados NEC:
Carcaças 143 - 326, trifásico
Carcaças 364 - 587, trifásico
Carcaça 61, trifásico/monofásico
Carcaça 61, trifásico/monofásico
Certificados CEC:
Carcaças 143 - 587, trifásico
Carcaça 56, trifásico/monofásico
Carcaças 56 - 61, trifásico/monofásico
Carcaças 56, trifásico (W21)
Carcaças 143 -587 , trifásico (W22)
Carcaças 5006-9610, trifásico (HGF)
Carcasas 447-589, trifásico
(W22 Media tensión)
Motores Elétricos
Div 1 - Hazardous Location
Class I, Div I, Groups C and D, T4
Class II, Div I, Groups F and G, T4
Class I, Div I, Groups C and D, T3C
Class II, Div I, Groups F and G, T3C
Class I, Div I, Group D, T3B
Class I, Div I, Group D, T3C
Div 1 - Hazardous Location
Class I, Div I, Groups C and D, T3C
Class II, Div I, Groups F and G, T3C
Class I, Div I, Groups C and D, T3C
Class II, Div I, Groups F and G, T3C
Class I, Div I, Groups D, T3C
Div 2 - Hazardous Location
Class I, Div 2, Groups A, B, C and D, T4 - T2D
Class II, Div 2, Groups F and G, T4 - T2D
Class I, Div 2, Groups A, B, C and D, T5 - T2B
Class II, Div 2, Groups F and G, T6 - T3C
Class I, Div 2, Groups A, B, C and D, T3
Class II, Div 2, Groups F and G, T3C
Class I, Div 2, Groups A,
B, C and D, T3B-T2D
Class II, Div 2, Groups F and G, T5-T4A
Nº Certificado
File E104590 - Sec 1
File E104590 - Sec 2
File E104590 - Sec 3
File E104590 - Sec 4
Nº Certificado
File LR 50962