Motores eléctricos de inducción trifásicos de alta y baja tensión (63 páginas)
Resumen de contenidos para WEG W22 Magnet Drive System
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W22 Magnet Drive System and W50 Magnet Quick Guide W22 Magnet Drive System e W50 Magnet Guia Rápido W22 Magnet Drive System y W50 Magnet Guía Rápida Motores | Automação | Energia | Transmissão & Distribuição | Tintas...
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In order to ensure safety and proper operation of the equipment, follow the instructions of this guide. For further information or explanations, check our FAQ at or contact Customer Service at 0800-701-0701. 2 | W22 Magnet Drive System and W50 Magnet ®...
5 kHz - see Chapter 8 of the CFW11 User’s Manual. VVW for PM motor (Voltage Vector WEG for Permanent Magnet): It uses a control method based on the voltage- oriented vector control technique for permanent magnet motors with good performance for systems with slow dynamics.
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4000 h IE code IP55 1000 3552 m.a.s.l. 1 - Rated voltage 4 - Lq, Ld and Ke 2 - Rated speed 5 - Rated current 3 - SF -Service Factor 4 | W22 Magnet Drive System and W50 Magnet ®...
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- Change the content of P0400 according to the motor rated 1.00 voltage. - Press “Save”. 400 V - Change the content of P0401 according to the motor rated 400 V current. - Press “Save”. 26.1 A W22 Magnet Drive System and W50 Magnet | 5 ®...
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PM sensorless or with encoder constant Ke. - For type of control [002] V/f Adjustable: Change the content of P0444 according to the motor constant Ke. V/f adjustable To end press “Reset”. 6 | W22 Magnet Drive System and W50 Magnet ®...
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6.6 - Motor will not accelerate (PM with encoder) 1 - Check that the identification of the motor cables matches the power terminals U/T1, V/T2 and W/T3 of the inverter. Otherwise, make the connections again. W22 Magnet Drive System and W50 Magnet | 7 ®...
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1000 V 1200 V 7.3 - Oscillation of parameters P0002, P0003 Decrease the value of the current stabilizer adjustment (P0448) in steps of 100 up to a minimum of 200. 8 | W22 Magnet Drive System and W50 Magnet ®...
Este manual contém todas as informações necessárias para a instalação e configuração do sistema W22 Magnet Drive System e W50 Magnet. Para garantir a segurança e o funcionamento adequado dos equipamentos siga as instruções deste guia.
1 - Tecnologia W22 Magnet Drive System é um sistema de acionamento composto pelo motor síncrono de ímãs permanentes W22 Magnet e o inversor de frequência CFW11. W50 Magnet é um motor síncrono de ímãs permanentes. Os motores W22 Magnet e W50 Magnet possuem enrolamento de estator trifásico, similar ao motor de indução, e rotor montado com ímãs permanentes ao invés da gaiola.
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3552 m.a.s.l. 1 - Tensão do motor 4 - Lq, Ld e Ke 2 - Rotação do motor 5 - Corrente do motor 3 - FS - Fator de serviço W22 Magnet Drive System e W50 Magnet | 11 ®...
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P0402: P0402: 1800 rpm 1800 rpm P0403: 0 Hz Rotacao Nom. Motor P0403: 0 Hz 12 | W22 Magnet Drive System e W50 Magnet ® Rotacao Nom. Motor P0400: 380 V Tensao Nominal Motor Corrente Nom. Motor Frequencia Nom. Motor Frequencia Nom.
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Selec. Tensao Nominal Motor Fator Servico Motor P0398: 1.00 Fator Servico Motor P0400: 380 V P0398: Tensao Nominal Motor 1.00 W22 Magnet Drive System e W50 Magnet | 13 Reset 13:48 Selec. ® P0398: 1.00 Config 0rpm P0400: 380 V...
2 - Diminua o valor do ganho proporcional de iq (P0438) em passos de 0.05 até mínimo 0.5. 3 - Diminua o valor do ganho proporcional de velocidade (P0161) em passos de 1.0 até no mínimo 4. 4 - Verifique a fixação e alinhamento do motor. 14 | W22 Magnet Drive System e W50 Magnet ®...
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1000 V 1200 V 7.3 - Oscilação dos parâmetros P0002 e P0003 Diminua o valor de ajuste do estabilizador de corrente (P0448) em etapas de 100 até um mínimo de 200. W22 Magnet Drive System e W50 Magnet | 15 ®...
Este manual contiene todas las informaciones necesarias para la instalación y configuración del sistema W22 Magnet Drive System y W50 Magnet. Para garantizar la seguridad y el funcionamiento adecuado de los equipos siga las instrucciones de esta guía.
5 kHz - ver Capítulo 8 del Manual del Usuario CFW11. VVW para motor PM: (Voltage Vector WEG for Permanent Magnet) utiliza un método de control basado en la técnica del control vectorial orientado por la tensión para motores a imanes permanentes, con buen desempeño para sistemas con dinámicas lentas.
1000 3552 m.a.s.l. 1 - Tensión nominal de 4 - Lq, Ld y Ke operación 2 - Rotación 5 - Corriente nominal de nominal operación 3 - Factor de servicio 18 | W22 Magnet Drive System y W50 Magnet ®...
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1.00 nominal del motor. - Presione “Salvar”. 400 V - Altere el contenido del P0401 de acuerdo con la corriente 400 V nominal del motor. - Presione “Salvar”. 26.1 A W22 Magnet Drive System y W50 Magnet | 19 ®...
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Cambie el contenido de P0444 de acuerdo con la constante del Numero de Polos P0431: motor Ke. Constante Ke - CT P0444: Reset 13:48 Selec. - Presione “Salvar”. V/f adjustable Para finalizar presione “Reset”. 20 | W22 Magnet Drive System y W50 Magnet ®...
Manual de Programación, que acompaña al convertidor en CD. 2 - Aumente el valor de la ganancia proporcional de iq (P0438) en pasos de 0.10 a un máximo de 1.50. W22 Magnet Drive System y W50 Magnet | 21 ®...
El parámetro P0134 es limitado automáticamente por: P0134 = (Udmax) x (636/P0435.) P0296 220/230 V 380 V...480 V 500 V...600 V 660/690 V Udmax 400 V 800 V 1000 V 1200 V 22 | W22 Magnet Drive System y W50 Magnet ®...
1000 V 1200 V 7.3 - Oscilación de los parámetros P0002, P0003 Disminuya el valor del ajuste del estabilizador de corriente (P0448) en pasos de 100 hasta un mínimo de 200. W22 Magnet Drive System y W50 Magnet | 23 ®...
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For WEG’s worldwide operations visit our website +55 47 3276.4000 [email protected] Jaraguá do Sul - SC - Brazil MOTORS Cod: 50040316 | Rev: 04 | Date (m/a): 12/2021. The values shown are subject to change without prior notice. The information contained is reference values.