Before igniting.
The rst start up must, ithout ail, e per ormed
ou must consult the DEA E in our area hen igniting the
oiler- replace or the rst time, in order or the oiler- replace
to e cali rated according to the t pe o pellets and installation
The DEA E must also
- eri
that the h draulic s stem is correctl installed and is
equipped ith an e pansion tan that is su cientl large to
guarantee sa et .
The presence of a tank within the thermal stove does NOT
guarantee appropriate protection from thermal expansion
occurring in the whole system.
Therefore the installer must assess whether an additional
expansion tank is needed, depending on the type of system
- Connect the electrical po er to the oiler- replace and imple-
ment a cold test to e carried out
- ill the s stem using the lling tap it is recommended not to
e ceed a pressure o 1,5 ar .
hen lling,
leed' the pump and the relie tap.
During the rst start-up phase, discharge the air/ ater using the
manual valves
located a ove the oiler see gure at the
side .
of use and henever the s stem is reloaded, even partiall . The
presence o air ithin the pipelines can hinder the unit's proper
unctionalit .
There ma
e a slight smell o paint the rst e times it is
ignited, ho ever, this ill disappear quic l .
e ore igniting ou must chec
that installation is correct
the po er suppl
that the door closes properl to a per ect seal
that the com ustion cham er is clean
that the displa is on stand-
hen producing hot sanitar
tors temporaril decreases.
NOTE regarding the fuel.
is designed and programmed to urn ood
pellets ith 6 mm diameter. ellets are a t pe o uel in the
orm o little c linders, made rom compacted sa dust,
compressed under high pressure ith no adhesives or oreign
materials. The are sold in ags o 15 g.
or the oiler-stove to unction properl , ou
urn an thing else in it. sing other materials including
ill render the arrant null and void. uch use is
la orator anal ses.
Edil amin has designed, tested and programmed their oiler-
stoves to guarantee the est per ormance hen pellets ith
the ollo ing characteristics are used
the DEA E .
time and temperature set .
ater, po er to the radia-
venting the oiler through the appropriate valves V , ater
leaving ma
all on the circuit oard or other electrical com-
ponents, creating a hazard to persons and product mal unction.
Al a s direct the "ad usta le valve e haust or ard and ma e
sure that ater does not run over electrical components.
- diameter: 6 millimetres
- maximum length: 40 mm
- maximum moisture content: 8%
pellets ith di erent characteristics are used, the oiler-
stoves must e recali rated a similar procedure to that carried
the DEA E
hen the oiler-stove is ignited the rst
time. sing unsuita le pellets ma decrease e cienc cause
mal unctions stop the oiler-stove rom unctioning due to
clogging, dirt on the glass, un urnt uel, etc.
A simple, visual anal sis o the pellets ma
smooth, uni orm length, not ver dust .
ith longitudinal and transverse crac s, ver
dust , various lengths and mi ed ith oreign matter.
- 33
e carried out