(c) Once You have lodged Your claim, we will ask You to return the Product. To return the Product, You
can do one of the following things:
• Return the Product to Your retailer (place of purchase); or
• A rrange for the Product to be delivered to ASUS (at Your own expense); or
• R equest that ASUS arrange a courier to collect the Product from You (This applies only if the
Product is covered under the Warranty. ASUS will bear this cost); or
• Return the Product to Your local ASUS Service Centre.
(d) You will need to present Your receipt as proof of purchase in order to make a claim under the
Warranty. You can do this by:
• I ncluding a copy of the receipt with the Product if it is delivered to ASUS for repair; or
• P roviding a copy to ASUS Service Centre staff if You return Your Product to Your local ASUS
Service Centre.
(e) We will then assess Your claim and notify You whether it is covered under the Warranty. The
decision whether to repair or replace a Product is at our sole discretion unless there is a "major
failure" as defined in the Australian Consumer Law.
(f) If the claim is approved, we will deliver the repaired or replaced Product back to You at our own
cost. You will need to provide us with Your contact details so that we can return the Product to You.
(g) If the claim is rejected and we determine the Product is not covered under the Warranty, we will
deliver the Product back to You. This will be at Your expense. If Your claim is not covered, ASUS will
offer to repair the Product at Your expense.
(h) Please note that our courier service is limited to areas within Australia that are accessible by our
couriers. For more information please contact our Call Centre on 1300 278 788.
b. State of California (USA)
An estimate for repairs, as required (section 9844 of the California Business and Professions Code),
shall be given to the customer by the service dealer in writing. The service dealer may not charge for
work done or parts supplied in excess of the estimate without the prior consent of the customer. Where
provided in writing the service dealer may charge a reasonable fee for services provided in determining
the nature of the malfunction in preparation of a written estimate for repair. For information, contact the
Bureau of Electronic and Appliance Repair, Department of Consumer Affairs, Sacramento, CA 95814,
A buyer of this product in California has the right to have this product serviced and repaired during the
warranty period. The warranty period will be extended for the number of whole days that the product
has been out of the buyer,s hands for warranty repairs. If a defect exists during the warranty period, the
warranty will not expire until the defect has been fixed. The warranty period also will be extended if the
warranty repairs have not been performed due to delays caused by circumstances beyond the control of
the buyer, or if the warranty repairs did not remedy the defect and the buyer notifies the manufacturer or
seller of the failure of the repairs within 60 days after they were completed. If, after a reasonable number
of attempts, the defect has not been fixed, the buyer may return this product for a replacement or a
refund subject, in either case, to deduction of a reasonable charge for usage. The time extension does
not affect the protection or remedies the buyer has under other laws.
ASUS contact details
This warranty is provided by:
ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
No. 15 Li-Te Road, Peitou
Taipei 112, Taiwan
Phone: +886-2-2894-3447