Dial Indicator 01.
Use the dial indicator with its original stylus (t) to take
measurements using adapters 50 - 55.
TDC Finder Pin 30.
Position the engine at the timing point, at TDC. Remove the
timing gauge plug (b) from the cylinder block and thread in an
hand tighten the TDC finder pin 30. Make sure the finder pin
30 abutts the crankshaft at TDC.
Timing Rod 20 and Feeler Gauges 25.
Position the engine at the timing point, at TDC. Block the
camshaft as follows: Place the timing rod 20 in the groove at
the end of the camshaft (a) then rotate the camshaft until the
rod 20 hits the cylinder head. Measure the gap at the other
end with the feeler gauges 25. At each end, place a feeler
gauge 25 corresponding to half of the measured gap.
Short 50 and long 55 Adapters.
Unscrew the inspection port plug (b) on the end of the pump.
Thread in and finger tighten adapter 50 or 55. Fit the dial
indicator 01 plus the original stylus (t). Pre-load (P) and
secure (f).
Procedure for Timing the Injection
Pump at TDC
Note : Depending on the type of injection pump and the timing
specified by the manufacturer, proceed as follows:
Timing the Pump at TDC
Application for pumps with end access to plugs
(Bosch, Kiki, Nippon Denso)
Timing the Injection Pump at TDC
(pumps with end access)
• Fit tools as per 2-8.
• Tip the pump toward the outside of the engine.
• Turn the crankshaft to position the engine at TDC, set the gap.
• Starting at the gap setting position
crankshaft 90° in the CW direction
bottom dead centre position of the pump)
• Reset the dial indicator to 0
• Rotate the crankshaft in the CW direction to position the engine at
TDC, set the gap.
• Gently tip the pump until the dial indicator displays the timing
(plus the pre-load value recorded above)
• Tighten the pump attachment bolts
• Remove the TDC gap setting tool.
• Check.
Checking (3-1)
• Rotate the crankshaft 45° in the CCW direction and then rotate
in the CW direction to position the engine at TDC, set the gap.
• In this position, the dial indicator should indicate the timing value.
• If necessary, repeat the timing procedure.
(remove the TDC tool)
(until the dial indicator indicates
(record the pre-load value)
, rotate the