Peg-Pérego S.p.A. è certificata ISO 9001.
La certificazione offre ai clienti e ai
consumatori la garanzia di una
trasparenza e fiducia nel modo di
lavorare dell'impresa. Peg Pérego potrà
apportare in qualunque momento modifiche ai
modelli descritti in questa pubblicazione, per ragioni
di natura tecnica o commerciale.
Peg Pérego è a disposizione dei suoi Consumatori per
soddisfare al meglio ogni loro esigenza. Per questo,
conoscere il parere dei ns. Clienti, è per noi
estremamente importante e prezioso. Le saremo
quindi molto grati se, dopo aver utilizzato un ns.
prodotto, vorrà compilare il QUESTIONARIO
eventuali osservazioni o suggerimenti, che troverà nel
nostro sito internet:
Se fortuitamente parti del modello vengono perse
o danneggiate, usare solo pezzi di ricambio originali
Peg Pérego. Per eventuali riparazioni, sostituzioni,
informazioni sui prodotti, vendita di ricambi originali
e accessori, contatta il Servizio Assistenza Peg Pérego
indicando, qualora fosse presente, il numero seriale
del prodotto.
tel. 0039/039/60.88.213
numero verde: 800/147.414 (contattabile da rete fissa)
fax 0039/039/33.09.992
sito internet
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Thank you for choosing a Peg-Pérego product.
• IMPORTANT: Read these instructions carefully and
keep them for future reference. Your child's safety
can be compromised if you do not follow these
• This product is designed to carry 1 child on the seat.
• Do not use this product to carry more children than
recommended by the manufacturer.
• This item is designed for use with the Skate bassinet
unit for children from birth to 9 kg in weight (approx. 6
months) who are unable to sit up by themselves, turn
around or lift themselves up by resting on their hands
and knees.
This item is designed for use with the Skate seat for
children from 6 months to 15 kg in weight.
• With the Skate seat and when the child is able to sit
up unaided, it is always necessary to use the five-
point safety harness: always use the leg divider strap
together with the waist strap.
• With the Skate bassinet unit, the front bar is designed
to be used as a carrying handle for children weighing
less than 9 kg.
With the Skate seat, the front bar is not a replacement
for the five-point safety harness.
• Regularly check the bottom of the seat and the front
bar when it is used as a carrying handle. Ensure there
are no signs of breakage or damage.
• This item is equipped with adapters for use together
with a Peg Perego Group 0+ car seat.
• When it is used together with a Peg Perego Group 0+
car seat, this product is suitable for children from birth
to 13 kg in weight.
• Before use, ensure that the Skate bassinet unit, Skate
seat or car seat is correctly attached to the Skate
• When using the Skate bassinet unit without the Skate
chassis, always rest it on a flat, hard and dry surface.
• Do not use the Skate bassinet unit or Skate seat for
travelling with children in motor vehicles.
• The only stand suitable for use with the Skate bassinet
unit is the Peg Perego Skate stand.
• The Skate seat cannot be used in conjunction with any
kind of stand.
• Do not add any mattress.
• Leaving your child unattended can be dangerous.
• Do not let other children play near the product if
• The product must be prepared and assembled by an
• Do not use this product if it is broken or any part is
• Always apply the brakes when not moving.
• Apply the brakes during loading and unloading
• Before use, check that all the locking systems are
secured properly.
• Keep fingers away from the locking systems.
• Pay attention to the child while adjusting the systems
(handlebar, backrest).
• Any load hanging on the handlebar or the handles
can make the stroller/carriage unstable; follow the
manufacturer's instructions for max load capacity.
• Do not place loads over 5 kilos in the basket. Do not
place in the bottle holder weights heavier than stated
or hot drinks. Do not place in the hood pockets (if
applicable) weights over 0.2 Kg.
• Do not use this product near stairs or steps; do not use
near heat sources, open flames or dangerous objects in
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21-12-2009 11:06:33