Procedure for fitting the dowels
The lift must be fixed to the floor; for this operation, the following devices are neces-
1. Hammer drill for drilling concrete, with 12 mm bit.
2. 16 FISCHER expansion plugs for heavy fixing duty, type FH II 12/50 H (or equivalent
model produced by other manufacturers).
3. Torque wrench with maximum setting at least 25 Nm.
Make sure that the concrete belongs to a Rbk resistance class greater than 250 kg/cm² to
a minimum depth of 140 mm.
Proceed as follows:
- Drill with bit Ø= 12 mm to a depth of 120 mm.
- Clean the hole.
- Tap the expansion plugs into the hole with a hammer.
- Tighten the bolts with a torque wrench, set at 25 Nm (if this value cannot be obtained,
Operator's manual ERCO X5000 CT LT PT2 FAST