Next-Generation Tabs
GFP Channel RX
Alarm Analysis
LOCS (CSF-Loss of Client Signal): A LOCS alarm is declared when CMF
frame is received while UPI is set to "0000 0001".
LOCCS (CSF-Loss of Client Character Synchronization): The LOCCS
alarm is declared when CMP frame is received with an UPI set to
"0000 0010".
FDI (Forward Defect Indication): The FDI alarm is declared when CMF
frame is received with an UPI set to "0000 0100". Not available with
RDI (Reverse Defect Indication): The RDI alarm is declared when CMF
frame is received with an UPI set to "0000 0101". Not available with
DCI (Defect Clear Indication): The DCI alarm is declared when CMF
frame is received with an UPI set to "0000 0011". Not available with
Other CMF (Client Management Frame): Other CMF alarms other than
the ones described above.
FTB-8100 Series Transport Blazer