2. Push Handgrip FORWARD to disengage clutch. Pull
10 to 12 inches of cable out of canister and insert into
line to be cleaned.
3. Pull Handgrip REARWARD until it "snap locks" into the
engaged position. (Figure 5) Squeeze Variable Speed
Trigger Switch gently and carefully push the cable
down the line (Figure 6). Do not force, as cable will
tend to kink.
4. Push Handgrip FORWARD to disengaged position.
Draw an additional 10 to 12 inches of cable from the
canister. (Figure 7)
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you reach the drain block-
NOTE! Know how long your run of pipe is prior to clean-
ing. Running too much cable in can damage your
equipment and cable.
Figure 6 – Push Cable Down Drain Line
Figure 7 – Pull Handgrip FORWARD To Disengage Clutch
and Draw Additional Cable From Canister
When you reach the blockage, pull hand
grip rearward to engaged position to grip the cable. Work
cable back and forth to clear obstruction. At this point,
progress depends on the type of tool being used and na-
ture of the blockage. Advance cable slowly.
Do not allow tension to build up in the cable. This
K-39/K-39B Drain Cleaning Machine
will happen if the cutting tool hits a snag and
stops turning but the motor and cable continue
to rotate. Torque builds until the cable suddenly
twists, potentially wrapping around your hand or
arm. This can happen quickly and without warning,
so proceed slowly and carefully as you feed the
cable into the drain. If tool gets hung up in an ob-
struction, refer to Reverse Operating Instructions
in the "Special Procedures" section.
6. Once drain is open and flowing, continue feeding ad-
ditional cable to clean rest of drain.
7. To withdraw cable from the line, leave FORWARD/-
REVERSE button in FORWARD position, pull handgrip
REARWARD to engaged position and pull back on en-
tire drain cleaner.
8. As excess cable is retracted from the line, push hand-
grip FORWARD to disengaged position and push cable
back into the canister.
9. Continue withdrawing cable by following steps 7
and 8 until cable end emerges.
10. Completely release trigger switch just prior to cable
emerging from drain opening. Retrieve by hand as
head/tool may contain debris and splash work area.
Cleaning Drain Line Using K-39
and K-39 Battery With Autofeed
1. Insert cable into drain opening by hand as far as
possible before turning machine on. Leave approxi-
mately 6" of cable between drain opening and nose of
machine (Figure 8) .
Figure 8 – Keep Distance Between Drain Opening and
2. Be sure machine FORWARD/REVERSE button is in
the FORWARD position.
3. Squeeze trigger and be sure entire cable is spinning
before continuing.
NOTE! The autofeed cannot be used while the hand grip
chucking mechanism is engaged. Be sure the
hand grip is pushed forward all the way.
Ridge Tool Company
Nose of Drain Gun to 6" or Less