The LED indicator on the charging mould indicates the status of the charging
: Charging is in process
GREEN: Charging is completed
With this rapid charger, the charging process is completed within 2 - 3 hours.
> While charging, the radio should not be operated. Turn the radio off.
> After completion of charging, remove the unit out of the charger.
> Do not attempt to charge other batteries than the in the scope of delivery
included battery pack.
Auxiliary functions of the TEAM TeCom-F6
These functions must be installed into your transceiver by your dealer, before you
can use them. In the description below it is assumed that the functions are active.
Ask your dealer for more details.
1) Transmit Time Limiter
The transmit time limiter ( = Time-Out-Timer ) has the effect of limiting the maxi-
mum time for continuous transmitting on a channel. This transmit duration limit
can be adjusted in 30-seconds-steps between 30 and 270 seconds by your
dealer. If the transmit time exceeds the set limit during your message, the trans-
mitter will shut off automatically, and you will hear a warning tone. To stop the
warning tone and to reactivate the transmitter you have to release briefly the
PTT key and to press it again.
2) Busy Channel Lockout Function
The lockout function for busy channels prevents the radio from interfering with
other stations on busy channels. If there is a signal on the actual channel at the
moment when you press the PTT key, the transmitter is blocked and you will
hear a warning tone in the speaker. When you release the PTT key, the warning
tone will be stopped and the set will revert to receiving mode. You can only
send, if no signal is present on the actual channel at the moment when you
press the PTT key.
3) Energy saving function
The unit is equipped with an energy saving function. This function is a preset in
your unit. This function works only in receive mode. It reduces the current con-
sumption when no signal is detected on the actual channel and the rotary chan-
nel selector is not turned for at least 10 seconds. If you do not use the TeCom-
F6 for a longer period of time, it is recommended to switch it off.
To be able to filter out unwanted signals on the selected channel, CTCSS / CDCSS
coding system can be used. An analog (CTCSS) or digital (CDCSS) subcode is
attached to the send signal.
When the receiver has the CTCSS function activated, the signal will only be audi-
ble if the set CTCSS / CDCSS code corresponds.
Please take into account that other radio operators, who are not equipped with a
CTCSS or CDCSS coding/encoding device, or who don't use it, will hear your con-
versation if they are operating on the same channel . The same applies to users of
the TeCom-F6 if the CTCSS and the CDCSS function is deactivated for that channel.
Your dealer can install for each channel separately the CTCSS / CDCSS operati-
on. It is also possible to set at the same channel different operation types for recei-
ve and transmit mode.
If, on the actual channel, the CTCSS / CDCSS is activated in receiving mode, and
if a signal with a non-corresponding CTCSS / CDCSS code or no code at all is
present, the control lamp ( 2 ) flashes green, but the speaker will be silent. This
shows you that the channel is occupied and that you should not transmit on this
channel to not disturb.
The CTCSS / CDCSS function is set via software. For each programmed chan-
nel, 39 CTCSS and 83 CDCSS codes are available. It is possible to assign dif-
ferent codes to the transmission and reception frequency of a channel.
If the CTCSS or CDCSS function is activated in receiving mode on the actual
channel, and a signal without CTCSS / CDCSS or with a different, the control
lamp ( 2 ) will flash green, but the speaker will be silent. This shows you that the
channel is occupied and that you should not transmit on this channel to not dis-
turb the other station.
The CTCSS method allows your dealer to select one of 39 different inaudible
tones to encrypt your messages between you and the wanted radio operator. If
you use the CDCSS method your dealer will have 83 different digital codes to
encrypt your messages between you and the wanted radio operator.
To hear all signals regardless of their CTCSS / CDCSS codes, press the monitor key.
6) Scan Function
The scan function must be activated via software by your dealer. If the scan
function is not programmed, channel 16 is available for frequency-program-
ming. In the description below it is assumed that the scan function is activated.
When you turn the rotary channel selector on position 16, the scan function starts
searching all programmed channels for signals.
If a signal is found, which is strong enough to pass the squelch, the scan functi-
on will pause until the signal dissapears. Then, the scanning function continues.
To deactivate the scan function, set the rotary channel selector on another posi-
tion than channel 16, i.e. channel 1 - 15.