6.2 Time/date/battery indicator
The activity sensor displays the current time, date and battery state. Once the ac-
tivity sensor has been synchronised with the smartphone, the current time and date
on the smartphone are transferred to the activity sensor.
6.3 Steps/movements
The activity sensor shows movements in steps. The steps are recorded with a 3D
sensor inside the activity sensor.
6.4 Calories burned
The activity sensor calculates your calories burned using the details you have en-
tered in the app (height, age, gender, weight) and the steps you have taken. When
you wake up in the morning, the activity sensor will already show a figure for the
number of calories burned, as your body also burns calories whilst resting. The de-
vice automatically includes the number of calories burned during resting.
6.5 Distance covered
The activity sensor calculates your stride length using the height you have entered
in the app. You can also individually adjust the stride length. The activity sensor then
uses the stride length and the number of steps to calculate the distance you have
covered. The distance displayed is only a rough guide and does not necessarily
correspond to the actual distance.