Send Message
Run Page
Links Pages to Run
Set ID
Set Clock
Delete Page
Set Brightness
Display by Schedule
Delete Page
Delete Schedule
Delete all
7.6. Software Configuration
Go to "File", "SetComm".
Select the COM port.
Click on "OK" when your settings are complete.
7.7. Sending a Message
Use the "Send Message" icon to transmit the message to the LED board.
In the Message Window, type in a test message, e.g. "WELCOME".
Click on the icon on the Toolbar to bring up the Message Window.
Enter the sign ID number and select the page to send your message to. You have pages A to Z available. Each
page can be used to store a different message.
Click on "OK" to send the message to the LED board. If the board did not receive your message, try sending the
message again.
7.8. BMP Graphic Editor
Use the BMP Graphic Editor to edit or create graphics of your own. To open this window, click on the "Bmp Graphics"
in the Menu Bar and then click on "Edit Graphics".
send the current text in the Message Window to the LED display board. Before
transferring, select the board's ID (ID which you may set by "Set ID..." function). Also, set
which page to transfer to. There are 26 pages in all.
run a specified page on the LED board
link some pages in order to run more than one page, e.g. type A, B and C to run page A, B
and C
set the ID of the LED board
Note: ID00 is used for the global call. If you use more than one sign, connect all the signs
in a network, e.g. from ID01 to ID05. Afterwards, you can send a message to the desired
sign entering the individual ID number. Use ID00 to send to all the signs.
set the date and time
delete specific page information on the sign
set the display's brightness over 4 levels
schedule a message to be displayed
delete some pages in the running messages
delete some items in the Schedule Table
delete all the messages
Editor Area
Graphic Data Function Selection
Edit Area Selection
Zoom In and
Zoom Out