Cleaning the Filter
The HydroGuard unit is sent to the site mounted on a mounting panel. Several other units are mounted on
the panel, alongside the controller. One of the mounted components is a water filter, which filters out sand,
rust, course debris, oil, and other impurities in the sampled pool water. These impurities may clog the
HydroGuard's internal pipes, contaminate the sensors, or dirty the analyzing cell, reducing its accuracy.
This filter must be cleaned regularly as it becomes clogged with debris and impurities. The frequency at
which the filter requires cleaning depends entirely on how much debris is in the pool water. The following
procedure describes how to remove, clean, inspect, and if necessary, replace HydroGuard's water filter:
1. Locate the water filter, mounted below the HydroGuard unit, and the valve that is located on the water
supply pipe.
Filter Connector
Water Intake Pipe
2. Turn off water supply to HydroGuard by shutting the water intake valve.
3. Remove the filter.
A. Push the air relief valve 1 for the filter top to reduce the vacuum and unscrew the filter casing 2.
B. Remove the filter from the filter housing 3.
Water Filter Casing
Figure 17: HydroGuard Unit's Water Filter
Figure 18: Pull Filter from Casing
Pipe to