4.- Finally, double click on the NMX-WP to confi gure the device name (DEVICE NAME), its IP (DEVICE IP
ADDRESS), edit or delete the menu options you want to access from this panel (EDIT, DELETE) or add
new options (+ ADD MENU).
To detect a TAB-10-16, tablet or iPad with the PC software you should consider the following aspects:
The tablet must have the APP installed and active.
PC and tablet must be on the same network
1.- If the switch or router does not have DHCP you will have to set the network confi guration manually on
the TAB-10-16, tablet or iPad.
For Ethernet cable connections:
a.- Go to SETTINGS
b.- Select the ETHERNET (wired) network type.
c.- Check that the ETHERNET IP MODE is set to STATIC. If not, click and modify the network settings.
If you are already in STATIC, check the values of the IP ADDRESS, NETMASK and GATEWAY fi elds.
For Wi-Fi connections:
a.- Go to SETTINGS
b.- Select the type of Wi-Fi network.
c.- Enable Wi-Fi.
d.- Select the Wi-Fi network to connect to.
e.- The screen will prompt you for the network password and below that, lastly, check that IP SETTINGS
is set to STATIC. If not, click and modify the network settings. If you are already in STATIC, check
the values of the IP ADDRESS, NETMASK and GATEWAY fi elds.
Click on CONNECT.
IMPORTANT: each time you change the IP address of the TAB-10-16 you must restart it before continuing
to use it again.
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