3.- If the device is highlighted in red, you need to correct your network confi guration. In order to access
your confi guration you will need to change the IP address of your PC to the same network as the
microphone. To do this, on your PC go to NETWORK & INTERNET SETTINGS, select the network
connection you are using and modify the network settings.
4.- Once it is on the same network as the microphone, in the DEVICE INFORMATION tab of the Dante
Controller software, the microphone will appear black, and all other devices that were previously black
will be highlighted in red. At this point you can double click on the IP and change its confi guration in
the NETWORK SETTINGS tab. After setting the desired confi guration press APPLY, then RESET and
close the window.
5.- Reset the previous network confi guration on your PC and after a few seconds you will see again the list
where all devices are correctly confi gured, i.e. no device will be shown in red.
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