3.1 Damper
The stove is equipped with a damper under the door, which regulates the combustion air: primary,
secondary, and tertiary air supply. The primary air is used at the beginning to get the fire going, the
secondary air keeps the fire burning evenly, and the tertiary air ensures that flue gasses are burned. You
must always add secondary and tertiary air, while firing the stove. According to our experiences regarding
the use of the pellet function, we recommend that the damper is always completely closed to achieve the
optimum combustion of the pellets.
The damper allows you to adjust the Aduro H1 according to the chimney draft and the heat output, you
require. The longer the damper is pulled out, the more air is added and the more powerful the combustion.
The illustration below shows the stove seen from the front with the dampers indicated. Use edge of door to
read position of inlet air:
1: Fully open primary, secondary, and tertiary air
inlet. This position can be maintained with the
Aduro key, which must be placed in the two
2: Closed primary air inlet, fully open secondary-
and tertiary air inlet.
3: Closed primary air inlet, half way closed
secondary air inlet and fully open tertiary air inlet.
4: Closed primary and secondary air inlet, fully
open tertiary air inlet.
5: Regulator pushed all the way in. All air inlet
closed (only used when burning wood pellets).
3.1.1 Secondary air supply
In normal circumstances, the Aduro H1 should be working with this damper between 60 % and 100 % open
(the damper is placed between position 2 and 3). You should never close the air intake so far that the flames
are extinguished. There should always be visible flames in order to achieve clean and efficient combustion.
A too low supply of air can lead to bad combustion, high emissions and a bad efficiency.
If you wish to fire the stove with the lowest effect possible – around 3 kW – you must close the secondary air
supply almost completely 45 minutes after the wood has been put in. At this point there are only few flames
and the stove can burn clean by using the tertiary air from behind in the stove.