Craftsman T1600 Manual Del Operador página 3

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This symbol points out
i mportant s afety instructions w hich,if not
followed, could endangerthe personalsafetyand/orproperty of
yourself a ndothers. Read andfollow all instructions i n this manual
beforeattempting to operate this machine.Failureto complywith these
instructions m ay resultin personalinjury.Whenyouseethis symbol, H EED
Engine Exhaust, someof itsconstituents, andcertain vehidecomponents
contain or emit chemicalsknownto Stateof California to causecancerand
birth defectsor other reproductiveharm.
Battery posts, t erminals, a nd relatedaccessories contain leadand lead
compounds, c hemicalsknownto the Stateof California tocausecancerand
reproductive harm.Washhandsafter handling.
Thismachinewasbuilt to beoperatedaccording t o the safeoperation
practicesin this manual.Aswith anytype of powerequipment,
carelessness o r error on the part of the operatorcanresultin seriousinjury.
Thismachineiscapableof amputating fingers, hands, t oesandfeet and
throwing debris. Failureto observethe following safety instructions c ould
resultin seriousinjuryor death.
Your Responsibility--Restrict
the useof this powermachineto
persons w ho read,understandandfollow the warningsand instructions i n
thismanualandon the machine.
Read, u nderstand, andfollowall instructions onthe machine andinthe
manual(s) b efore attemptingto assemble andoperate.Keep thismanual i n
asafeplaceforfutureandregularreference a ndfor orderingreplacement
Befamiliarwith all controls andtheir properoperation. K nowhowto stop
the machine anddisengage themquickly.
Never a llowchildrenunder14yearsold to operate thismachine. C hildren 14
years old andovershouldreadandunderstand the operationinstructions
andsafetyrulesinthismanual a ndshouldbetrainedandsupervised b ya
Never a llowadultsto operatethismachine without properinstruction.
Tohelpavoidbladecontact o r a thrownobjectinjury,keepbystanders,
helpers, c hildrenandpetsat least75feetfrom the machine whileit isin
operation. S topmachine if anyone entersthe area.
Thoroughly inspect the areawherethe equipmentisto beused.Remove
all stones, s ticks,wire, bones, t oys,andotherforeignobjectswhichcould
bepickedupandthrownbythe blade(s). Thrown objectscancause serious
personal i njury.
Planyourmowingpatterntoavoiddischarge o f material t owardroads,
sidewalks, b ystanders a ndthe like.Also, a voiddischarging materialagainst
awall or obstruction whichmaycause discharged material t o ricochet b ack
towardthe operator.
Always wearsafetyglasses o r safetygoggles duringoperationandwhile
performinganadjustment o r repairto protectyoureyes. T hrown objects
whichricochetcancause serious injury to the eyes.
Wear s turdy,rough-soled workshoes andclose-fittingslacks andshirts.
Loose fitting clothes andjewelrycanbecaughtin movable parts.Never
operate this machine inbarefeetor sandals.
Beaware of the mowerandattachment d ischarge d irectionanddonot point
it at anyone. D onot operatethe mowerwithoutthe discharge c overor entire
grasscatcher i n itsproperplace.
Donot put hands or feetnearrotatingpartsor underthe cuttingdeck.
Contact w iththe blade(s) c anamputatehands andfeet.
Amissingor damaged discharge covercancause bladecontactorthrown
Stopthe blade(s) w hencrossing graveldrives, w alks,or roads andwhilenot
Watchfortrafficwhenoperatingnearor crossing roadways. Thismachine is
not intended foruseon anypublicroadway.
Donot operatethe machine whileunderthe influence ofalcohol o r drugs.
Mowonly indaylightor goodartificial light.
Disengage b lade(s) b efore shiftinginto reverse. B ack upslowly.Alwayslook
downandbehindbeforeandwhilebackingto avoidaback-over a ccident.
Slowdownbeforeturning.Operate the machine smoothly. A voiderratic
operationandexcessive s peed.
Disengage b lade(s), setparkingbrake, s topengineandwait until the
blade(s) c ometo acomplete stop beforeremoving grass catcher, e mptying
grass, u nclogging chute,removing anygrassor debris, o r makingany
Neverleave a runningmachine unattended. A lwaysturn off blade(s), set
parkingbrake, s topengineandremove keybefore dismounting.
Use extracarewhen loading or unloading the machineintoa traileror truck.
Thismachine shouldnot bedrivenup or downramp(s), b ecause the machine
couldtip over, c ausing serious personal injury.Themachine mustbepushed
manuallyonramp(s)to loador unloadproperly.
Mufflerandenginebecome hot andcancause a burn.Donot touch.

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