Miller Big Blue 500X Pro Manual Del Operador página 45

Mantenimiento de rutina
engine checks before contacting the engine manufacturer.
Detenga el motor antes de realizar tareas de mantenimiento.
Consulte el manual del motor y la etiqueta de mantenimiento para ver información importante de puesta en funcionamiento, servicio y al-
To check oil level, see Section __.
macenamiento. Aumente la frecuencia del servicio en el motor si se utiliza en condiciones adversas.
Trouble: Oil level is too low. Symptom: Oil pressure switch will
not close. The engine will begin to start and then stop.
Trouble: Oil level is too high. Symptom: The pressure line that
Recicle los líquidos del motor.
operates the fuel pump can be plugged. Not enough fuel will be
delivered, and the engine will not run or will run poorly.
To check fuel level, see Section __.
Cada 8
When servicing a Miller gasoline-powered welder/generator, always perform the following basic
Trouble: Fuel level is too low. Symptom: The fuel pump will
have no fuel to feed the engine, and the engine will not start or
engine checks before contacting the engine manufacturer.
stay running.
Complete Parts List is available at
To locate a Kohler-authorized service agency, visit
Trouble: Fuel level is too high. Symptom: Fuel will plug the fuel
vent and flood the engine. The engine will not start or will run
poorly and have black smoke in the exhaust.
To check oil level, see Section __.
� Filtro de combustible
Trouble: Oil level is too low. Symptom: Oil pressure switch will
not close. The engine will begin to start and then stop.
To check and replace fuel filters, see Section __.
Oil Level
Trouble: Dirty fuel filters. Symptom: Fuel flow to the engine is
Trouble: Oil level is too high. Symptom: The pressure line that
restricted. Engine will not run or run well if it is starved for fuel.
operates the fuel pump can be plugged. Not enough fuel will be
EFI engines have two fuel filters. Use the correct filters to
delivered, and the engine will not run or will run poorly.
prevent damage to the EFI fuel pump and injectors. See Section __.
Complete Parts List is available at
Battery Terminals
To check fuel level, see Section __.
� Terminales de la batería
To check and replace air filters, see Section __.
Trouble: Fuel level is too low. Symptom: The fuel pump will
have no fuel to feed the engine, and the engine will not start or
Trouble: Dirty air filters. Symptom: Air flow to the engine
Fuel Level
is restricted. Engine will start hard, not run, or have black
stay running.
smoke in the exhaust if it is not getting enough air.
Trouble: Fuel level is too high. Symptom: Fuel will plug the fuel
vent and flood the engine. The engine will not start or will run
poorly and have black smoke in the exhaust.
To check and replace spark plugs, see Section __.
� Etiquetas ilegibles
Trouble: Severely worn spark plugs. Symptom: Spark
plugs will not ignite the air and fuel mixture. Engine will start
To check and replace fuel filters, see Section __.
hard and run very rough.
Trouble: Dirty fuel filters. Symptom: Fuel flow to the engine is
If spark plugs are black, dry, or wet, there is a problem with
restricted. Engine will not run or run well if it is starved for fuel.
fuel or air delivery. See previous steps.
Fuel Filters
prevent damage to the EFI fuel pump and injectors. See Section __.
To check battery voltage, see Section __.
Trouble: Battery voltage is too low. Symptom: Control
boards and the EFI ECU require 12 volts DC to operate.
Low voltage from a defective battery or charging circuit can
cause improper or erratic engine speed and weld output.
◇ Aceite, filtro de aceite
To check and replace air filters, see Section __.
Trouble: Dirty air filters. Symptom: Air flow to the engine
Air Filters
is restricted. Engine will start hard, not run, or have black
smoke in the exhaust if it is not getting enough air.
To perform the ECU Reset and TPS Learn procedures, see Section __.
In EFI systems, the ECU learns the air and fuel mixture that it needs to
regulate. When something that affects the air and fuel mixture changes
(such as fuel filters, air filters, or spark plugs), the ECU and TPS reset
procedures must be performed or the engine will not run well when warm.
To check and replace spark plugs, see Section __.
� � Anillos deslizantes*
� � Cepillos*
Trouble: Severely worn spark plugs. Symptom: Spark
plugs will not ignite the air and fuel mixture. Engine will start
Spark Plugs
hard and run very rough.
If spark plugs are black, dry, or wet, there is a problem with
fuel or air delivery. See previous steps.
Cada 6000 horas o 5 Años
� In-
To check battery voltage, see Section __.
Trouble: Battery voltage is too low. Symptom: Control
Battery Voltage
or 5
boards and the EFI ECU require 12 volts DC to operate.
Low voltage from a defective battery or charging circuit can
� � Correa del motor
cause improper or erratic engine speed and weld output.
*Lo debe llevar a cabo un agente de servicio autorizado por la fábrica
Servicio de DEUTZ:
To perform the ECU Reset and TPS Learn procedures, see Section __.
Para asegurar un soporte de servicio rápido y eficiente, debe comunicarse inicialmente con el distribuidor o concesionario de servicio de DEUTZ
EFI Engines:
más próximo. Cuentan con especialistas altamente cualificados en piezas, servicio y motores para satisfacer sus necesidades.
In EFI systems, the ECU learns the air and fuel mixture that it needs to
El área de servicio de DEUTZ mejora este soporte. Para comunicarse con el área de servicio de DEUTZ, complete y envíe el formulario de so-
regulate. When something that affects the air and fuel mixture changes
ECU Reset/
(such as fuel filters, air filters, or spark plugs), the ECU and TPS reset
porte de servicio. Los clientes de los EE. UU. y de CANADÁ pueden comunicarse también con el área de servicio al llamar a nuestro número de
TPS Learn
procedures must be performed or the engine will not run well when warm.
llamada gratuita: 1-800-241-9886. Nuestras horas normales de operación son de 8:00 a. m. a 6:00 p. m. de lunes a viernes, hora del Este de los
EE. UU. (EST). Puede comunicarse con el servicio de guardia las 24 horas de los 7 días de la semana. Le solicitamos que cuando se comuni-
que con nosotros tenga disponible o nos proporcione la información específica del motor (número de serie, número de modelo, etc.), tal com se
muestra en el formulario de soporte de servicio.
Hay una lista completa de piezas disponible en
This flowchart is intended as a general guide only. Al-
ways read and follow the safety information and specific
instructions given elsewhere in this Technical Manual.
This flowchart is intended as a general guide only. Al-
� = Verificar
◇ = Cambiar
ways read and follow the safety information and specific
instructions given elsewhere in this Technical Manual.
Complete Parts List is available at
Complete Parts List is available at
� Nivel de combustible
Complete Parts List available at
Weld Terminals
� Mangueras de limpieza
de aire
1/2 in.
(13 mm)
Complete Parts List is available at
� Tensión de la correa del
AVISO – Cambie el aceite
y el filtro del motor des-
pués de las 50 a 75 horas
EFI engines have two fuel filters. Use the correct filters to
1/2 in.
iniciales de uso.
(13 mm)
Consulte el manual del mo-
tor para obtener las especi-
ficaciones de aceite
� Dentro de la unidad
OM-249336 Page 1
� = Limpiar
� Nivel de aceite
Complete Parts List is available at
Air Cleaner Element
� Elemento de limpieza de
1/2 in.
(13 mm)
1/2 in.
(13 mm)
� Sistema de refrigeración
◇ Filtro(s) de combustible
1/2 in.
(13 mm)
� Espacio libre de las
OM-249336 Page 1
� = Reemplazar
� Derrames de aceite y
� Terminales de
� � Parachispas
1/2 in.
(13 mm)
� � Cables para
� Drenar lodo
OM-249336 Page 1
OM-249336 Page 1
Manual del
motor, Sec-
ción 4-5
Sección 7-3
Manual del
Manual del
motor, Sec-
ción 7-8
Manual del
motor, Sec-
ciones 7-5 y
OM-285665 Página 41