5.7 System Work Mode Setup Menu
System Work Mode
Selling First
Zero Export To Load
Zero Export To CT
Max Sell Power
Zero-export Power
Energy pattern
Grid Peak Shaving
Zero Export To Load: Hybrid inverter will only provide power to the backup load connected. The hybrid
inverter will neither provide power to the home load nor sell power to grid. The built-in CT will detect
power flowing back to the grid and will reduce the power of the inverter only to supply the local load and
charge the ba�ery.
Zero Export To CT: Hybrid inverter will not only provide power to the backup load connected but also give
power to the home load connected. If PV power and ba�ery power is insufficient, it will take grid energy
as supplement. The hybrid inverter will not sell power to grid. In this mode, a CT is needed. The installa�on
method of the CT please refer to chapter 3.6 CT Connec�on. The external CT will detect power flowing back
to the grid and will reduce the power of the inverter only to supply the local load, charge ba�ery and home
Solar Sell: "Solar sell" is for Zero export to load or Zero export to CT: when this item is ac�ve, the surplus
energy can be sold back to grid. When it is ac�ve, PV Power source priority usage is as follows: load
consump�on and charge ba�ery and feed into grid.
Max. sell power: Allowed the maximum output power to flow to grid.
Zero-export Power: for zero-export mode, it tells the grid output power. Recommend to set it as 20-100W
to ensure the hybrid inverter won' t feed power to grid.
Energy Pa�ern: PV Power source priority.
Ba� First: PV power is firstly used to charge the ba�ery and then used to power the load. If PV power is
insufficient, grid will make supplement for ba�ery and load simultaneously.
Load First: PV power is firstly used to power the load and then used to charge the ba�ery. If PV power is
insufficient, Grid will provide power to load.
Max Solar Power: allowed the maximum DC input power.
Grid Peak-shaving: when it is ac�ve, grid output power will be limited within the set value. If the load
power exceeds the allowed value, it will take PV energy and ba�ery as supplement. If s�ll can't meet the
load requirement, grid power will increase to meet the load needs.
Max Solar Power
Solar Sell
Solar Sell
Work Mode
Selling First: This Mode allows hybrid inverter to sell
back any excess power produced by the solar panels to
the grid. If �me of use is ac�ve, the ba�ery energy also
can be sold into grid.
The PV energy will be used to power the load and charge
the ba�ery and then excess energy will flow to grid.
Power source priority for the load is as follows:
1. Solar Panels.
2. Grid.
3. Ba�eries (un�l programable % discharge is reached).
Backup Load
On-Grid Home Load
Backup Load
On-Grid Home Load
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