Prepareyour log splitterfor storageat the end of the seasonor if the
log splitterwill not be usedfor 30 days or more.
WARNING: N everstore the machinewith fuel in the fueltank inside
of buildingwherefumesmay reachan open flameor sparkor where
ignitionsourcesare presentsuchas hot waterand space heaters,
NOTE:A yearly check-upbyyour localSearsservicecenter is a good
wayto ensureyourlog splitterwill providethe maximumperformance
next season.
1. Cleanthe log splitterthoroughly.
2. Wipethe log splitterwith an oiled rag to preventrust,especiallyon
thewedgeand the beam.
IMPORTANT:Itis importantto preventgumdepositsfrom forming
in the essentialfuel systemparts such as thecarburetor,fuel filter,
fuel hoseor tank during storage.Also, alcoholblendedfuels (called
gasoholor usingethanolor methanol)canattract moisturewhich leads
to separationand formationof acidsduring storage.Acidic gascan
damagethe fuelsystemof an enginewhilein storage.
1. Drainthe fueltank. Alwaysdrainthe fuel intoan approvedcontainer
outdoorsawayfrom open flame.Be surethe engineis cool. Donot
smokewhile handlingthe fuel.
2. Start the engineand let it rununtil thefuel linesand carburetorare
IMPORTANT:Neveruseengineor carburetorcleanerproductsin the
fuel tank or permanent d amagemayoccur.Usefresh fuel next season.
3. Removethe spark plug,pourapproximately 1/2 oz. of engine oil into
cylinderand crank it slowlyto distributethe oil.
4. Replacethe sparkplug.
NOTE: Fuelstabilizeris an acceptablealternativein minimizingthe
formationof fuel gumdepositsduring storage.
Pleasefollowthe instructionsbelowfor storingyourlog splitterwith
fuel and stabilizerin the engine:
Add stabilizerto the gasolinein the fueltank or storagecontainer.
Alwaysfollow the mix ratiofoundon the stabilizercontainer.
Runtheengine at least 10 minutesafteradding stabilizerto allow
the stabilizerto reachthe carburetor.
IMPORTANT:Donot drain thegas tank and carburetorif usingfuel
stabilizer.Drainall the oil from thecrankcase(this shouldbe done
after the enginehas beenoperatedand is still warm)and refillthe
crankcasewith fresh oil.
Donot storethe gasolinefrom one seasonto another.
Replaceyourgasolinecan if it starts to rust.
Storethe log splitterin a clean,dry area.Do not storeit nextto
any corrosivematerials,suchas fertilizer.
Wipethe equipmentwith an oiled ragto preventrust.