Disconnectthe log cradlefrom the beamon the sideof the control
valve.See Figure3-5.
Lift and slidethe cylinderup to the topof beamand intothe weld
5. Attachthedislodgeroverthe wedgeassemblyand secureit to the
weldbracketswith the previouslyremovedhardware.
NOTE:Oncethe six hex screwsare tightened,theremay be a slight
gap betweenthe dislodgerand the weldbrackets.This gap is normal.
6. Reattachthe log cradleto the side of the beamwith the control
valve,aligningthe endsof the cradlewith the beamflanges.
7. Rollthe log splitteroff the bottomcrate.
1. Lubricatethe beamarea (wherethe splittingwedgewill slide)with
engineoil. Do notuse grease.
2. Removethevented reservoirdipstick,which is locatedin front of
the engineon top of the reservoirtank. See Figure3-6.
IMPORTANT: T he log splittermay havebeen shippedand primedwith
hydraulicfluidin the reservoirtank. However, y ou MUSTcheckthe
fluidlevelbeforeoperating.If the reservoir tank is not filled, proceed
with the followingsteps:
Fill the reservoirtank with the hydraulicfluidincludedwith this
machine(if equipped)or one of theapprovedfluids which include
Dexron®III / Mercon®automatictransmission fluid or a 10Weight
Checkthefluid levelusingthedipstick.See Figure3-6. Do not
Replacetheventeddipsticksecurely,tighteningit untilthe topof
the threadsare flush with top of the pipe.
6. Disconnectthe spark plugand primethe pumpby pullingthe recoil
starteras faras it will go. Repeatapproximately 10 times.
7. Reconnectthe sparkplug wireand start the enginefollowingthe
instructionsin the OPERATION section.
8. Use thecontrol handleto engagethewedgeto the farthest
extendedposition.Then retractthe wedge.
9. Refillthe tank as specifiedon thedipstick.
NOTE:Failureto refillthe tank will voidthe warranty.
10.Extendand retractthewedge 12completecyclesto removeanyair
trappedin the system(the systemis "self-bleeding").
11.Refillthe reservoirwithinthe rangemarkedon the dipstick.
Muchd the originalfluid hasbeen drawnintothe cylinderand hoses.
Makecertainto refillthe reservoirto preventdamageto the hydraulic
NOTE:Somefluid may overflowfrom the vent plug as the system
buildsheatand the fluidexpandsand seeksa balancedlevel.
Figure 3=4
Figure 3=5
Figure 3=6