Normaloperating sounds.
These sounds are normal and are due mostly
to highly efficient operation.
Tile new high eflicien(), compressor runs titster and xdll have a higher pitch hum
or pulsating sound while operating.
Tile fans circulating air inside tile fieezer and refiigerator
keep tile temperatures
uniform throughout.
Tile tiros operating at a high speed. This happens when tile refiigerator
is first
plugged in, when tile doors are opened fiequendy,
or when a large _/tllotln[ of
food is added to tile refiigerator
or fieezer comparmlents.
_r".--...Water dropping on tile defiost heater causing a sizzling, hissing or popping
sound during the deflost ()_(le.
Tile flow of refrigerant through tile fieezer tooling (oils sounds like boiling
water or a gurgling noise.
. Cracking or popping of_ ooling (oils _aused bv expansion and _ontra_ tion
during (]efiost and t!efiigerati(_n following det]ost.
as it itlelLs f_t)iil tile evapolatof
to tile dlain
during the defiost
Tile icemaker water xvdve will buzz when tile icemaker fills with water. If tile power
switch is in tile 0Nposition
it will buzz even if it has not yet been hooked up to
water. Keeping the power switch in tile 0N position betore it is hooked up to
water can damage tile icemaker. To prevent this, set the power switch to tile
OFFposition. This will stop the buzzing.
Tile sound
of cubes dropping
into tile bin and water running
in pipes as