jetStamp 792/792 MP
Important information
Before using the jetStamp 792/792MP for the first time, the operating manual must be read
through, paying careful attention to the safety advice. In this way, you can avoid uncertain-
ties and their accompanying safety risks when working with the electronic stamp, for the sake
of your own safety and to prevent damage to the device.
For your safety
Icon description
Warnings about risks, where non-observance of the measures can cause
immediate death or serious injuries.
Warnings about risks, where non-observance of the measures can cause
death or serious injuries.
Warnings about risks, where non-observance of the measures can cause injuries.
Warnings about risks, where non-observance of the measures can cause material damage.
This indicates that an action has to be carried out.
Information and tips to make working with your jetStamp 792/792MP even easier.