Craftsman 24919 Manual Del Operador página 3

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This symbolpointsout importantsafetyinstructionswhich,if not
yourselfand others. Readand followall instructionsin this manual
beforeattemptingto operatethis machine.Failureto complywith
these instructionsmay resultin personalinjury.Whenyou seethis
EngineExhaust,someof its constituents,and certainvehicle
componentscontainor emit chemicalsknownto Stateof California
to cause cancerand birthdefects or other reproductive harm.
Batteryposts,terminals,and relatedaccessoriescontainlead and
leadcompounds,chemicalsknownto the Stateof California to
cause cancerand reproductiveharm.Washhandsafter handling.
This attachmentwas builtto be usedaccordingto the safeopera-
tion practicesin this manual.Carelessness or error on the part of
the operatorcan resultin seriousinjury.Mowersare capableof
amputatinghandsand feet and throwingobjects.Failureto observe
the followingsafetyinstructionsas wellas the instructionsprovided
with your mower,could resultin seriousinjuryor death.
Your Responsibility--Restrict the use of this powermachineto
personswho read,understand and follow thewarningsand instruc-
tions in this manualand on the machine.
Read,understand,and followall instructionson your equipmentand
intheir manualsbeforeattemptingto assembleand operate.Keepthis
manualina safe placefor futureand regularreferenceandfor ordering
Tohelp avoid bladecontact or a thrown objectinjury,keepbystanders,
helpers,childrenand pets at least 75 feetfrom the mowerwhile it is in
operation.Stop machineif anyoneentersthe area.
Thoroughlyinspectthe area wherethe equipmentis to be used.Remove
all stones,sticks,wire, bones, toys,and otherforeignobjectswhich
could be picked up and thrownby the blade(s). Thrownobjects can
Alwayswearsafetyglasses or safetygogglesduringoperationand while
performingan adjustmentor repairto protectyoureyes. Thrownobjects
whichricochet can causeseriousinjury to the eyes.
Do not operatethe mowerwithoutthe dischargecoveror entire grass
catcherinits proper place.A missingor damageddischargecoveror
grass bagattachmentcomponentmay result inthrown objectsor blade
Do not put hands or feet near rotatingparts or underthe cutting deck.
Contactwiththe blade(s) can amputatehandsand feet.
Shut off mower'sengineand waitfor bladesto come to a completestop
beforeuncloggingmower'sdischargeopeningor baggerparts.
Slow down beforeturning. Operatethe machinesmoothly.Avoid erratic
operationandexcessivespeed. Be awarethata grasscatcherattach-
mentcan affectthe handlingcharacteristicsof your mower.
Disengageblade(s), set parkingbrake,stop engineand waituntil the
blade(s)cometo a completestop beforeopeningbaggerattachment's
top cover,removinggrass catcher,emptyinggrass,uncloggingchute,
removingany grass or debris, or makingany adjustments.
Neverleave a runningmachineunattended.Alwaysturn off blade(s),
placetransmissionin neutral,set parkingbrake,stop engine andremove
Your machineis designedto cut normalresidentialgrassof a heightno
morethan 10".Do not attemptto mowthrough unusuallytall, dry grass
(e.g.,pasture)or pilesof dry leaves.Drygrass or leaves may contact
the engineexhaustand/or build up on the mowerdeck presentinga
potentialfire hazard.
If situationsoccur whichare not coveredinthis manual,use care and
good judgment.Contact 1-800-659-5917 for assistance.