• Load each item loosely.
• Seperatethe white and colored clothes.Separateheavy clothesfrom
light clothes.
• Carefully checkall pocketsand cuffs for small items.Theycan easily slide into the
tub and damage the tub.
• Pre-treatall stainsand heavily soiledareas for best results.
• Do not overload your washer.
• Closethe door properly after loading clothes.
Use of Dispenser
The detergent/softener dispenser is located on the upper left corner
of the washer. Open the dispenser by pulling it out. You will see that there
are three compartments.
1. Prewashing Detergent
2. Detergent
3. Softening Agent
Use of Fabric Softener:
• Pour liquid fabric softenerinto compartmentas recommendedby
the manufacturer.
• Do not exceedthe level in the compartmentto avoid overflow.
• Never pour fabric softenerdirectly ontoclothesbecauseit will stain
your clothesor you may get spotson your clothes.
• Do not usepowder form of softenerinto dispenser,or it will clog up
the dispenser.Thisdispenseris only designed for liquid form.
Use of Detergent:
When pre-washcycleis selected do not useliquid detergent.
Low-Sudsing detergent is recommended for front load style washers. This type of
detergent prevents damage to your washing machine, which may be caused by
excess amount of sudsentering the condensing compartment.
Note: You can use less or more detergent depending on the size of the load, water
type in your area whether it is soft or hard and whether the clothes are heav-
ily soiled or lightly soiled. Besides the performance of the
washing machine, the quality of the detergent also effects the
washing result. Do not use liquid detergent in compartments 1 and 2.