GE ASD06 Serie Manual Del Propietario E Instrucciones De Instalación página 16

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Troubleshooting Tips...
Possible Causes
What To Do
The air conditioner
* Make sure the air conditioner plug is pushed
is unpltgged,
completely into the outlet.
The fttse is blown/circuit
* Check the house fi/seicitcuit
breaker box and replace
breaker is tripped,
the filse or rmet the bwakm:
Power failure.
* g power 15ilule occtn_, turn tbe air conditioner
When power is restored, _tit 3 minutes to rest,tit the
ail conditkme_ to prevent tripping of the compwssor
The cmTent interrupter
* Pres.sthe ResetN_tmn kmated on the power corsl plug.
device is tripped.
* [t the Reset button _dll not sta?, eng'aged discontinue
use of the air conditioner
and contact a qualified
selwice technician.
Airflow is restricted.
* Make sure there m'e no cmtains, blinds or fllrniture
blocking the ti'ont of the air condifionel;
The temp control may
* On models with touch pads: In Coolmode, press the
not be set correctly.
Decrease • pad,
• On models with control knobs, turn tlle temperature
knob to a bigher numbel:
The air Nter is dirly;
• Clema the filter at least every 30 days.
5%ethe Operating Instructiot_ssecticm.
The room may- have been hot.
• 1_rhen tile air conditioner
i_ fitst turned on, }ou need
to allow dine {OFthe _oom to cool doom.
CoM air is escaping.
• Check tbr open tilmace
registel', and cold air returns.
• _t the air conditkmer's
vent to tile closed
Cooling coils have iced up.
• _e "air
coeditioeertreezieg up"
Ice blocks the air flow
• On models with control knobs, set the mode control
and stops file air conditioner
at High Fan or High Coohdth the temp at 1 oi Z
from cooling the room,
* On models sdth touch pads, set tile controls at
High Fan or High Coolmad set the thermostat
a highe_ temperature.
The batteries are inserted
• Check the position of the batteries. Tlle', should be
inserted in the Ol)l)osite (+) and (-) direction.
The batteries may be dead.
• Replace the batteries.
Hot, htmfid weather.
* This is normal.
The air conditioner
is not
* For proper x<_ter disposal, make sure the air conditioner
s _ss
ece_efi'< / t( tlerea:
Moistm'e removed from air
• This is normal _br a short period in areas with little
and drains into base pan.
humidity; normal for a kruger perk×/in
ver?, lmmid m'eas.
Ftmction error code.
* I rnl)lug the air conditione/:
Wait 3 minutes and plug it
Apower outage or interruption
• In th( c_t_eofa po_er outage or int(tmpfion,
tll_ unit
Timerand Sleepl_mtures will reset to tile original setting.
}i_tl mm n_ed to set a new time if &sir_ d.
Normal Operating Somlds
f2You may hear a pinging noise caused by
water being picked up and thrown against the
on rainy daT, s or when tbe humidity
is bigh. This design ti..ature helps rcmove
moisture and ilnl)rove ellicienc}.
i¢i' Y ou may bear the tbermostat
click when the
comprcssor cycles on and off\
f2 Water will collect ill tbe base pan during
bigh humidity
or on rainy days. Tbe water
may overflow
and dlip flom tbe outdoor
ot tbe trait.
i#i' T he tan mm run even wben
th_ compr_ ssor