Enabling ForwardFocus
ForwardFocus is a clinician enabled feature designed to help recipients hear better in face-to-
face conversations by reducing distracting noise occurring behind the recipient.
ForwardFocus should only be enabled for users 12 years and older who are able to reliably
provide feedback on sound quality and understand how to use the feature when moving to different or
changing environments. It may be possible to have decreased speech understanding when using
manually controlled ForwardFocus in a quiet environment.
ForwardFocus may be enabled either as a processor setting, or as a program:
1� Manually controlled ForwardFocus is enabled as a processor setting. It allows the
recipient to control whether ForwardFocus is turned on or off using the program control
panel of the Nucleus Smart App. If ForwardFocus is no longer required, ForwardFocus
may be turned off. ForwardFocus is turned off when the sound processor is turned off.
Automated ForwardFocus is enabled in the SCAN 2 FF program � Recipients can select
and deselect SCAN 2 FF as with all programs using the sound processor button or with
the Nucleus Smart App. SCAN 2 FF program setting is unchanged when the sound
processor is turned off.
Before enabling ForwardFocus, you should ensure that recipients can correctly identify quiet and
noisy environments. Because the algorithm for ForwardFocus assumes the sound signal of
interest is in front of the recipient, and the competing noise is to the sides and/or behind the
recipient, you should advise recipients to orient themselves so that distracting sounds are
behind them, and the sound they want to hear is in front of them.
Advise caregivers of recipients on the importance of feedback to ensure the most appropriate
program is being used.
Different listening environments
SCAN 2 FF will automatically adjust for different listening situations. For manual ForwardFocus,
advise the recipient to turn ForwardFocus off when they move to a different listening situation,
for example, when moving from a noisy cafe to a quiet room, or if they notice difficulty in
understanding speech in a quiet environment.
Clinicians should provide recipients with several listening scenarios such as a noisy playground, a
noisy classroom, or listening in a cafe, to ensure that the recipient understands how to orient
themselves in front of the noise to ensure maximum benefit of the ForwardFocus feature.
Nucleus 8 Sound Processor Guide for Clinicians
Programming tips