Wearing options
Cochlear SoftWear™ pad
If the recipient feels pressure or discomfort from the coil, you can attach a SoftWear pad to the
head side of the coil:
Do not use the SoftWear pad with a Cochlear Nucleus 8 Aqua+ Coil.
Do not use the SoftWear pad with a Cochlear Coil Spacer.
Programming tip
The SoftWear pad will increase the distance between the coil and implant–check the
recipient's program after you have attached the SoftWear pad.
Cochlear Coil Spacer
If the communications between the coil and
implant is affected by a thin skin flap, you can
increase the distance by attaching a Coil Spacer to
the head side of the coil:
Programming tips
The Coil Spacer will increase the distance between the coil and implant–check the
recipient's program after you have attached the Coil Spacer.
Nucleus 8 Sound Processor Guide for Clinicians