These instructions must be kept for the
entire useful life of this product. Re-sellers
must provide these instructions to the buyer
in the appropriate language.
This product may be used by competent and
responsible persons or by others who are
under the immediate supervision of such
competent persons only. The choice of the
suitable equipment requires experience
and it is the responsibility of the user to
obtain the proper education in the correct
techniques for its use. In case of misuse
or improper application, the manufacturer
rejects and excludes any and all liability.
The user must be clearly aware that poor
physical or mental health can jeopardise
safety in both normal and emergency use.
Re-sellers must supply the instructions
for use in the language of the user, i.e.
the country of use. within your area
of responsibility to have obtained the
corresponding education in the use.
Nomenclature of the parts:
(a) carabiner COLT, (b) Y-lanyards, (c) shock
absorber, (d) info labels, (e) attachment loop;
only HYDRA model:
(f) rubber loop for FERRATA.BLOC, (g) third
arm FB, (h) info label FB, (i) FB clamp see
figure 1 (a) gate, (b) silencer = abrasion
(c) frame, (d) pressure lever see figure 2
(a) FERRATA-BLOC clamp, (b) FB pressure
lever, (c) FB arm with integrated shock
absorber, (d) FB attachment loop, (e) info
label FB see figure 3
Product markings
see info labels
AUSTRIALPIN: manufacturer
Please note: manufacturer information
must be heeded
CE 1019: Notified body that carried out the
CE type examination
EN 958: European norm product
corresponds to
Illustrations of usage: correct installation
and order of via ferrata sets
Made of Polyamid/Polyester: material
details of textile components
Batch number and month-and-year of
manufacture (double digit)
Hydra 2.EVO or. Colt 2.EVO: model
EAS: Energy Absorbing System
40 kg–120 kg: lower and upper limits of
user weight
up or down: marking for face up and face
down side
CE 0511: notified body that carried out the
CE type examination
Made in Austria: country of manufacture
Combination, using tools as a system:
When combining this product with other
component parts, the danger of impeding
their safety through conflicting parts can
arise. Please make sure of the compatibility
of the parts. Combined employment
requires coupling only with other CE-
certified personal safety equipment (PPE)
components to protect against falls from
great heights. Unforeseen dangers can occur
if equipment parts are wrongly combined
and do not suit each other, in which case
the safe functioning of a given part is no
longer guaranteed. Please heed the specific
operating instructions for each specific
product, particularly those of the included
AUSTRIALPIN carabiners.
Things to check before, during and after
each use:
Please ensure that the product has no
cracks or fractures, deformations or signs
of corrosion; and that all components are
tightly attached