1-channel mini receivers IP20 (fig. 7)
The mini receiver is fitted with a 7-way terminal board with an electrical connection of 12V ac/dc between
binding posts 4-5 with jumper "J3" in position "1"; 24V ac/dc between binding posts 4-5 with
jumper "J3" in position "2" between binding posts 7-8.
The receiver has one relay which can be set using the jumpers SEL CH1 and SEL CH2 as follows:
- ON/OFF relay = Jumper inserted - Impulsive relay = Jumper not inserted
Caution: To change the relay function mode (from impulsive to ON/OFF and the other way round) the
receiver must be switched off and restarted.
2-channel mini receivers IP20 (fig. 8)
The mini receiver is fitted with a 10-way terminal board with an electrical connection of 12/24V ac-dc between
binding posts 7-8. The receiver cards are fitted with two relays the outputs of which are marked CH1 (normally
open/normally closed contact) and CH2 (normally open/normally closed contact). To associate the channels
CHA, CHB, CHC, CHD on the transmitters to the relays CH1 and CH2 use the jumpers J1 located on the
circuit board (e.g. fig. 7 - CHA = CH1 and CHB = CH2).
The channel relays can be set using the jumpers SEL CH1 and SEL CH2 as follows:
- ON/OFF relay = Jumper inserted - Impulsive relay = Jumper not inserted
Caution: To change the relay function mode (from impulsive to ON/OFF and the other way round) the
receiver must be switched off and restarted.
Slot-in open collector receiver card
The receiver card is inserted directly into an appliance, which is designed to receive it and has the following
electrical connections: 5Vdc between pins 7-8.
To associate the functions CHA, CHB, CHC, CHD of the transmitters with the outputs 1 and 2, enter the
channel setting mode by inserting jumper J1 SEL on the circuit board.
The red Led L1 will start to flash indicating the setting of channel CHA: the number of flashes per second
indicates which channel is being set. To select channels CHB-CHC-CHD press and release button P1 as many
times as necessary. (1 flash = CHA; 2 flashes = CHB; 3 flashes = CHC; 4 flashes = CHD).
(fig. 9)