→ The navigation menu opens.
2) In the navigation menu, tap the entry "Manage components".
3) Tap the "Edit" button.
4) Tap the
symbol under the component you want to delete.
→ The component is deleted.
7.4.3 Connecting component with multiple devices
The connection for a component can be stored on more than one device. However, only one
device can be connected to the component at one time.
If there is an existing connection between the component and a different device, the following
information appears while the connection is being established with the current device:
Connect to this component?
Component was connected to
another device.
Establish connection?
8 Use
8.1 Movement patterns in basic mode (mode 1)
8.1.1 Standing
Knee control through high hydraulic resistance and static alignment.
A stance function can be enabled by the prosthetist. Please see the following
section for further information on the stance function. Stance function
To use this function, it needs to be enabled in the adjustment software. It also has to be activ
ated using the Cockpit app (see Page 85).
The stance function (standing mode) is a functional supplement to the basic mode (mode 1). This
function makes it easier, for example, to stand on an inclined surface for a longer time. The joint is
fixed in the flexion direction.
The standing function must be enabled by the O&P professional. In addition, the type of joint
locking (conscious/intuitive) has to be established by the O&P professional. Changing the locking
type using the Cockpit app is not possible.
Intuitive locking of the joint
The intuitive stance function recognises any situation that puts strain on the prosthesis in the flex
ion direction but where flexion is not permitted. Examples of this include standing on uneven or
sloping surfaces. The knee joint is always locked in the flexion direction when the prosthetic leg is
not fully extended, under some amount of load and at rest. Upon forward or backward rollover or
extension, the level of resistance is immediately reduced to stance phase resistance again.
► Tap the OK button.
→ The connection to the last connected device is broken off
and established with the current device.