Volumen regurgitante (VR) en cm
Oh, J.K., Seward, J.B., Tajik, A.J. The Echo Manual. 3rd ed., Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, (2007),
VR = ORE * RM IVT/100
Volumen auricular derecho
Lang, R., Bierig, M., Devereux, R., et al. "Recommendations for chamber quantification: a report from the
American Society of Echocardiography's guidelines and standards committee and the chamber
quantification writing group, Developed in conjunction with the European Association of
Echocardiography, a branch of the European Society of Cardiology." Journal of the American Society of
Echocardiograph. 2005, 18: p.1440-1463.
Vol AD = π/4(a) Σ(D1)
Vol AD = volumen de la aurícula derecha en ml
a = Altura de los discos circulares apilados que componen la AD
D1 = eje ortogonal menor
Índice de volumen auricular derecho
Wang, Y., Gutman, J., et al. "Atrial volume in a normal adult population by two-dimensional
echocardiography." Chest. (1984), 86: p.595-601.
Vol AD Índice = Vol AD/BSA (ml/L2)
Presión sistólica del ventrículo derecho (PSVD) en mmHg
Oh, J.K., Seward, J.B., Tajik, A.J. The Echo Manual. 3rd ed., Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins,
(2007), p.66.
PSVD = 4 * (Vmáx RT)
PAD = Presión auricular derecha
Reynolds, Terry. The Echocardiographer's Pocket Reference. 2nd ed., School of Cardiac Ultrasound,
Arizona Heart Institute, (2000), p.217.
Velocidad S/velocidad D
velocidad S = onda S de la vena pulmonar
velocidad D = onda D de la vena pulmonar
Referencias de medición