is safe must be secured to two wall
studs so it is anchored to the wall studs in six
Figure 2 shows the installation of the safe in a wood
framed wall (16" centers). For securing the safe to
the wall studs the safe must be a ached to the wood
studs of the wall through the six pre-drilled
mounting holes in the safe, with the frame of the safe
ush to the wall surface.
In the gure shown, mount the safe between two
wall studs. Cut a hole in the wall the same size as the
back of the safe. Use ller blocks and bo om
support as required. Mark the 6 hole locations and
drill six 3/16 inch diameter pilot holes. Secure the
safe to the wall studs using 6 lag screws and washers
as shown. (Figure 2)
Figure 2
Filler block
Remove the adhesive backing from the gun barrel
supports and adhere them to the sides of the safe at
the appropriate height for your rearm. (Figure 3)
Figure 3
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