Getting Started
The U1610/20A Handheld Digital Oscilloscope is a mobile high-performance
troubleshooting tool for multi-industrial automation, process control, facility
maintenance, and automotive-service industries.
The U1610A and U1620A models have 100 MHz and 200 MHz bandwidths with
maximum real-time sample rates of 1 GSa/s and 2 GSa/s respectively.
With its 5.7-inch LCD color display, the U1610/20A oscilloscope is capable of
clearly distinguishing waveforms from two channels. The U1610/20A allows you
to perform up to 30 types of automatic measurements. Waveform math and Fast
Fourier Transform (FFT) functions are available for performing quick waveform
analyses in both time and frequency domains.
The U1610/20A can also function as a digital multimeter (DMM) and a data
logger. The autorange function provided allows you to perform quick and
accurate DMM measurements. Using the data logger function, you can perform
automatic data logging for DMM and scope measurements.
Keysight U1610/20A User's Guide