A flashing radio mast icon indicates that the DCF signal reception has started.
A continuously displayed radio mast icon indicates that the DCF signal was received
If the clock cannot receive the DCF signal (because the distance is too great to receive a
signal from the transmitter in Germany), you have the option of setting the time manually
as mentioned above. As soon as the reception of the DCF signal is possible, then the
clock is readjusted automatically.
We recommend a minimum distance of 2.5 meters (8.2 Feet) to all sources of interference,
such as televisions or computer monitors, Radio reception is weaker in rooms with
concrete walls and in offices. In such extreme circumstances, place the system close to
the window.
When the clock receives the Daylight Saving Time, "DST" symbol will be shown top of the
Environmental reception effects
The clock obtains the accurate time with wireless technology. Same as all wireless devices, the
reception is maybe affected by the following circumstances: