Makita UR016G Manual De Instrucciones página 16

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  • ESPAÑOL, página 91
10. Do not replace the battery w ith w et hands.
Do not replace the battery in the rain.
12. Do not w et the terminal of battery w ith liquid
such as w ater, or submerge the battery. Do not
leave the battery in the rain, nor charge, use,
or store the battery in a damp or w et place. If
t h e t e r m i n a l g e t s w e t o r l i q u i d e n t e r s i n s i d e o f b a t -
t e r y , t h e b a t t e r y m a y b e s h o r t c i r c u i t e d a n d t h e r e i s
a risk of overheat, fire, or explosion.
13. After removing the battery from the tool or
charger, be sure to attach the battery cover to
the battery and store it in a dry place.
1 4 . If the battery cartridge gets w et, drain the
w ater inside and then w ipe it w ith a dry cloth.
Dry the battery cartridge completely in a dry
place before use.
15. W hen you use the tool on muddy ground, w et
slope, or slippery place, pay attention to your
Putting into operation
Before assembling or adjusting the tool,
remove the battery cartridge.
Before handling the cutter blade, w ear protec-
tive gloves.
Before installing the battery cartridge, inspect
the tool for damages, loose scre w s/nuts or
improper assembly. Sharpen blunt cutter
blade. If the cutter blade is bent or dam-
aged, replace it. Check all control levers and
s w itches for easy action. Clean and dry the
Never attempt to s w itch on the tool if it is dam-
4 .
aged or not fully assembled. O t h e r w i s e s e r i o u s
injury may result.
Adjust the shoulder harness and hand grip to
suit the operator ' s body si z e.
6 .
W hen inserting a battery cartridge, keep the
cutting attachment clear of your body and
other object, including the ground. I t m a y r o t a t e
when starting and may cause injury or damage to
t h e t o o l a n d / o r p r o p e r t y .
Remove any adjusting key, w rench or blade
7 .
cover before turning the tool on. A n a c c e s s o r y
l e f t a t t a c h e d t o a r o t a t i n g p a r t o f t h e t o o l m a y
result in personal injury.
The cutting tool has to be equipped w ith the
guard. Never run the tool w ith damaged guards
or w ithout guards in place !
Make sure there are no electrical cables, w ater
9 .
pipes, gas pipes etc. that could cause a ha z ard
if damaged by use of the tool.
In the event of an emergency, switch off the
tool immediately.
If you feel any unusual condition (e.g. noise,
vibration) during operation, switch off the
tool and remove the battery cartridge. Do not
use the tool until the cause is recogni z ed and
The cutting attachment continues to rotate for
a short period after turning the tool off. Don t
rush to contact the cutting attachment.
4 .
During operation, use the shoulder harness.
Keep the tool on your right side firmly.
Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and
balance at all times. W atch for hidden obsta-
cles such as tree stumps, roots and ditches to
avoid stumbling.
6 .
Al w ays be sure of your footing on slopes.
W alk, never run.
7 .
Never w ork on a ladder or tree to avoid loss of
9 .
If the tool gets heavy impact or fall, check the
condition before continuing w ork. Check the
controls and safety devices for malfunction. If
there is any damage or doubt, ask our autho-
ri z ed service center for the inspection and
10. Do not touch the gear case during and imme-
diately after the operation. T h e g e a r c a s e
b e c o m e s h o t d u r i n g o p e r a t i o n a n d c a n c a u s e b u r n
Take a rest to prevent loss of control caused
by fatigue. W e r e c o m m e n d t a k i n g a 10 t o 20- m i n -
u t e r e s t e v e r y h o u r .
12. W hen you leave the tool, even if it is a short
time, al w ays remove the battery cartridge. T h e
u n a t t e n d e d t o o l w i t h t h e b a t t e r y c a r t r i d g e i n s t a l l e d
m a y b e u s e d b y u n a u t h o r i z e d p e r s o n a n d c a u s e
s e r i o u s a c c i d e n t .
13. If grass or branches get caught bet w een the
cutting attachment and guard, al w ays turn
the tool off and remove the battery cartridge
before cleaning. O t h e r w i s e t h e c u t t i n g a t t a c h -
m e n t m a y r o t a t e u n i n t e n t i o n a l l y a n d c a u s e s e r i o u s
1 4 . Never touch moving ha z ardous parts before
the moving ha z ardous parts have come to
a complete stop and the battery cartridge is
15. If the cutting attachment hits stones or other
hard objects, immediately turn the tool off.
Then remove the battery cartridge and inspect
the cutting attachment.
1 6 . Check the cutting attachment frequently
during operation for cracks or damages.
Before the inspection, remove the battery
cartridge and w ait until the cutting attachment
stops completely. Replace damaged cutting
attachment immediately, even if it has only
superficial cracks.
1 7 . Never cut above w aist height.
18. Before starting the cutting operation, w ait until
the cutting attachment reaches a constant
speed after turning the tool on.
1 9 . W hen using a cutting blade, s w ing the tool
evenly in half-circle from right to left, like
using a scythe.
20. Hold the tool by insulated gripping surfaces
only, because the cutter blade may contact
hidden w iring. C u t t e r b l a d e s c o n t a c t i n g a " l i v e "
w i r e m a y m a k e e x p o s e d m e t a l p a r t s o f t h e t o o l
" l i v e " a n d c o u l d g i v e t h e o p e r a t o r a n e l e c t r i c
s h o c k .
21. Do not start the tool w hen the cutting tool is
tangled w ith cut grass.

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