Sony CDX-FW700 Instalación / Conexiones
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Compact Disc
Inst allat ion/Connect ions
Inst alación/Conexiones
© 2004 Sony Corporation
Equipm ent used in illust rat ions (not supplied)
Equipo ut ilizado en las ilust raciones (no sum inist rado)
Front speaker
Altavoz frontal
Rear speaker
Altavoz posterior
Active subwoofer
Altavoz potenciador de
graves activo
Downloaded from:
3-263-410-21 (1)
Printed in Korea
× 4
× 2
Power amplifier
Amplificador de potencia
CD/MD changer
Cambiador de CD/MD
Rotary commander RM-X4S
Mando rotatorio RM-X4S
Source selector*
Selector de fuente*
Caut ions
• This unit is designed for negative ground 12 V
DC operation only.
• Do not get the leads under a screw, or caught
in moving parts (e.g. seat railing).
• Before making connections, turn the car
ignition off to avoid short circuits.
• Connect the yellow and red power input leads
only after all other leads have been connected.
• Run all ground leads to a common ground
• Be sure to insulate any loose unconnected
leads with electrical tape for safety.
• The use of optical instruments with this
product will increase eye hazard.
Notes on the power supply lead (yellow)
• When connecting this unit in combination with
other stereo components, the connected car
circuit's rating must be higher than the sum of
each component's fuse.
• When no car circuits are rated high enough,
connect the unit directly to the battery.
Part s Iist (1)
• The numbers in the list are keyed to those in
the instructions.
• The bracket 1 and the protection collar 3 are
attached to the unit before shipping. Before
mounting the unit, use the release keys 5 to
remove the bracket 1 and the protection collar
3 from the unit. For details, see "Removing
the protection collar and the bracket (4)" on
the reverse side of the sheet.
• Keep the release keys 5 for future use as
they are also necessary if you remove the
unit from your car.
Caut ion
Handle the bracket 1 carefully to avoid injuring
your fingers.
Bef ore inst alling, make sure t hat t he cat ches on
bot h sides of t he bracket 1 are bent inw ards 2 mm
in). If t he cat ches are st raight or bent out w ards,
t he unit w ill not be inst alled securely and may spring
out .
* not supplied
no suminist rado
Connect ion exam ple (2)
Notes (2-A)
• Be sure t o connect t he ground lead bef ore
connect ing t he amplif ier.
• If you connect an opt ional pow er amplif ier and do
not use t he built -in amplif ier, t he beep sound w ill
be deact ivat ed.
Tip (2-B-
For connect ing t w o or more CD/M D changers, t he
source select or XA-C30 (opt ional) is necessary.
Connect ion diagram (3)
To a metal surface of the car
First connect t he black ground lead, t hen
connect t he yellow and red pow er input leads.
To the power antenna control lead or power
supply lead of antenna booster amplifier
• It is not necessary t o connect t his lead if t here
is no pow er ant enna or ant enna boost er, or
w it h a manually-operat ed t elescopic ant enna.
• When your car has a built -in FM /AM ant enna in
t he rear/side glass, see " Not es on t he cont rol
and pow er supply leads."
To AMP REMOTE IN of an optional power
This connect ion is only f or amplif iers. Connect ing
any ot her syst em may damage t he unit .
To the interface cable of a car telephone
To a car's illumination signal
Be sure t o connect t he black ground lead t o a
met al surf ace of t he car f irst .
To the +12 V power terminal which is energized
in the accessory position of the ignition key
• If t here is no accessory posit ion, connect t o t he
+12 V pow er (bat t ery) t erminal w hich is
energized at all t imes.
Be sure t o connect t he black ground lead t o a
met al surf ace of t he car f irst .
• When your car has a built -in FM /AM ant enna in
t he rear/side glass, see " Not es on t he cont rol
and pow er supply leads."
To the +12 V power terminal which is energized
at all times
Be sure t o connect t he black ground lead t o a
met al surf ace of t he car f irst .

Resumen de contenidos para Sony CDX-FW700

  • Página 1 Selector de fuente* XA-C30 BUS CONTROL IN CDX-FW700 * not supplied no suminist rado © 2004 Sony Corporation Printed in Korea Caut ions Connect ion exam ple (2) • This unit is designed for negative ground 12 V Notes (2-A) DC operation only.
  • Página 2 Source selector (not supplied) Supplied with the CD/MD changer Selector de fuente Suministrado con el cambiador de CD/MD (no suministrado) XA-C30 BUS AUDIO IN /AUX IN AUDIO OUT REM OTE FRONT RCA pin cord (not supplied) Be sure to match the color-coded cord for audio to the appropriate SUB OUT (M ONO) jacks from the unit.
  • Página 3 Orient the release key correctly. Oriente la llave de liberación en la dirección Face the hook inwards. correcta. El gancho debe encontrarse en la parte interior. Dashboard Tablero 1 8 2 5 3 m Claws Uñas TOYOTA NISSAN max. size max.
  • Página 4 Sony dealer. Es posible que no pueda instalar esta unidad en algunos automóviles japoneses. En tal caso, Note consulte a su proveedor Sony. To prevent malf unct ion, inst all only w it h t he supplied screw s 2. Nota Para evit ar que se produzcan f allos, realice la inst alación solament e con los t ornillos...
  • Página 5 This file has been downloaded from: User Manual and User Guide for many equipments like mobile phones, photo cameras, monther board, monitors, software, tv, dvd, and othes.. Manual users, user manuals, user guide manual, owners manual, instruction manual, manual owner, manual owner's, manual guide, manual operation, operating manual, user's manual, operating instructions, manual operators, manual operator, manual product, documentation manual, user maintenance, brochure, user reference, pdf manual Downloaded from:...