50 electrolux
Interior light
If it becomes necessary to replace the
lamp, press on the rear hook and at the
same time slide the cover in the
direction indicated by the arrow.
Replace the lamp with one of the
same power (the maximum power is
shown on the light diffuser).
Frost is automatically eliminated from
the evaporator of the refrigerator
compartment every time the motor
compressor stops, during normal use.
The defrost water drains out through a
trough into a special container at the
back of the appliance, over the motor
compressor, where it evaporates.
It i i s i i mportant t t o p p eriodically c c lean t t he
defrost w w ater d d rain h h ole i i n t t he m m iddle
of t t he r r efrigerator c c ompartment
channel t t o p p revent t t he w w ater
overflowing a a nd d d ripping o o nto t t he f f ood
inside. U U se t t he s s pecial c c leaner
provided, w w hich y y ou w w ill f f ind a a lready
inserted i i nto t t he d d rain h h ole.