As a consumer you are legally obliged to dispose
of all batteries, irrespective of whether they contain
harmful substances* or not, at a collection point in
your community/district or at a retail outlet, so that
they can be disposed of in an environmentally
friendly manner.
* Marked with: Cd = Cadmium, Hg = Mercury,
Pb = Lead, Li = Lithium.
We, the Batavia B.V., Weth. Wassebaliestraat 6d,
NL-7951 SN Staphorst, declare by our own
responsibility that the Item-No 7064221 is accord-
ing to the basic requirements. For the evaluation of
conformity, the following harmonized standards
were consulted:
EN 62841-1:2015
EN 62133-2:2017
Staphorst, 01 March 2022