and has not begun to separate from the main body of
the casing, and that no white webbing is visible.
Connection Points
Check that all connectors automatically close and
lock securely. All connectors must be free from
deficiencies such as those listed previously. Check
the fall indicator on the connector (if fitted) has not
been deployed.
Function Test
Pull line sharply to engage brakes and ensure device
locks before each and every use. Pull out line to
ensure that it pays out and retracts smoothly and
Ensure product labelling is present and entirely
legible. Ensure product age has not exceeded the
stated lifespan. Do not use for horizontal use unless
product markings indicate this is permissible.
Thorough inspection must be conducted and recorded
at least every 12 months or every 3 months if used in
offshore or corrosive environments. A thorough inspection
of Guardian RTFAs requires the removal of equipment
housing, therefore thorough inspection may only be
carried out by the manufacturer or manufacturer approved
agent, this inspection may involve disassembly and repair.
In addition, local regulations in regard to inspection must
be followed. CP to inspect and initial. Separate inspection
logs must be used for each individual piece of equipment.
All inspection records must be made visible and available to
all users at all times. If equipment fails thorough inspection,
it must be immediately removed from service and discarded
or repaired. During inspection, consider all applications and
hazards the equipment has been subjected to. Ensure that
device certification is current before use, this device must
only be repairedn by a competent person authorised by
the manufacturer.
The W2H & W2HT RTFA does not require disassembly
to conduct thorough inspection, only a preuse inspection/
function check before each use and an inspection by a
competent person other than the user at least every 12
months or every 3 months if used in offshore or corrosive