10. Use of optional accessories
A wide range of accessories are available for the OPTIGEM microscope: gemology clips, an iris aperture diaphragm, a
polarization analysis kit, an optical unit to switch the dark field from a "sharp" (gem exhibition) to a "soft" (diamond analysis)
mode and a translating cell holder with vacuum pick-up and quartz immersion cells complete and enhance the instrument
All the accessories can be individually used or combined in a stack, in any order, both when the microscope is being used
in horizontal position or when it is in vertical position.
Below some possible configurations for common uses are illustrated.
10.1 Darkfield analysis
ST-201 is needed.
1. Place rods and spacers as shown in Fig. 22.
2. Put the ST-201 on the microscope stage, aligning the holes
in the stage with the holes in the ST-201.
3. Put one rod from the bottom of the stage, as shown. (Fig. 23)
4. Screw one spacer on the rod, from the top (Fig. 24). Repeat
the same steps for the other rod.
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F ig. 22
ig. 22
F ig. 23
ig. 23
F ig. 24
ig. 24