– Store the ladder in a closed and
upright position.
Causes of accidents
The following partial listing of risks
tells of typical hazards and exam-
ples for frequent causes of acci-
dents when using a ladder.
In order to avoid accidents, take
into consideration the mentioned
risks in the handling of the ladder
as a basis for safe work.
a) Loss of stability
1) incorrect positioning of the lad-
der (e.g. incorrect propping
angle of leaning ladders or
incomplete opening of step
2) sliding away of the lower end of
the ladder outwards, e.g. away
from the wall on which the lad-
der is leaning;
3) slipping off the ladder sideways,
falling to the side and tipping of
the upper tread (e.g. by leaning
out too far or an insufficient grip
on the uppermost top step);
4) poor condition of the ladder
(missing or damaged rubber
caps on the support foot);
5) climbing off of an unsecured
ladder at height;
6) unsuitable ground at the instal-
lation site of the ladder (e.g.
unstable, soft ground, sloping,
slippery surfaces or contami-
nated solid surfaces);
7) unfavourable weather condi-
tions (e.g. wind);
8) collision with a ladder, e.g. by
vehicles or doors;
9) incorrect choice of ladder (e.g.
ladder too short, unsuitable
b) Improper handling
1) setting up the ladder in its posi-
tion of usage;
2) assembly and disassembly of
the ladder;
3) carrying items whilst climbing
the ladder.
c) Slips, stumbles and falls
1) unsuitable footwear;
2) contaminated rungs;
3) careless behaviour of user (e.g.
taking two steps at a time, slid-
ing down the beams).
d) Failure of the ladder
1) poor condition of the ladder
(e.g. damaged beams, wear and
2) overloading of the ladder.
e) Electrical hazards
1) unavoidable work under voltage
(e.g. fault tracing);
2) setting up the ladder in direct
proximity of electrical equip-
ment under voltage (e.g. high
voltage overhead cables);